Chapter Sixteen

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--- 5 Years later ---

" nous essaierons de reconsidérer plus sur le prochain projet et vous ferons savoir plus tard." Jisoo said.

" Merci beaucoup pour votre travail acharné." A blonde lady smile and offer a hand shake.

" Mon Plaisir" Jisoo get up and shake her hand with a smile.

They both finish the meeting and a blonde girl tugged her hair, flashing a flirty smile but jisoo is too engross with her work to noticed it. She leaves with a frustrated sigh, and walk pass seulgi who walk the opposite side of her.

Seulgi smirk, knowing that a brunette once again ignore a hot girl because her work. She walk to jisoo office and knock on the door to get her attention.

" Knock knock!!! Bonjour Mademoiselle Jisoo" Seulgi stand by at the door.

Jisoo just hummed, not looking up from her document as she got used to seulgi always coming to her office instead of doing her job.

" did you get another hot girl away??" seulgi walking inside with her arms cross.

" are you here for lunch again??" jisoo ask, eye still on a paper.

" is ignoring my question is your talents now? I don't know why I even take you here with me in the first place."

" I will quit tomorrow if you want." Jisoo look up with a smirk.

" Whoaaa.. you and your arrogant self"

" I'm busy. Just go and work. Do you want your father to beat the shit out of you again??"

" don't talk about my old man!! It ruined my appetite" Seulgi roll her eyes.

" What you want??" jisoo take off her glasses.

" Go on a blind date for me please" seulgi said.

" What??"

" You are good at making them cut a tie. You know my father always hook me up with those hire."

" I don't do it anymore. We almost got caught the last time. Do you want uncle to beat me too?"

" Please jisoo.. you know I already have someone I love" Seulgi pouts.

" If you want to ruin it, then ruin it yourself." Jisoo said firmly.

" Are you really going to be like this huh??" seulgi bite her lip.

" Yeah. You wanna hear it Spanish?"

" I am going to leak your address to them then" she threaten.

" You crazy??" jisoo widen her eyes.

" Yeah I am crazy for agree to hide about your workplace and your address from them."

" don't you dare"

" Then go on a blind date for me."

"Shit!! Alright!" Jisoo cursed.

" YES!!!" Seulgi smile in victory.


Jisoo get off from a train and walk to a place where seulgi tell her to meet her date. She swear she will kill seulgi one day if she keep threaten her to go on a date instead of her like this. Jisoo frowned when she come to stand in front of Eiffel Tower because who the fuck would go on a date here?? Let alone for two heirs of big company. She thought that it was a romantic place at first but as she staying here for 5 years, she realized that it is like Namsan Tower Korea too.

With a shrugged she went to sit on one of the bench. Maybe they wanted to change the style or whatever the fuck it is that they decide to meet here. Jisoo couldn't careless because her mind is now cloudy with what she supposed to do to make her date cut a tie or stop with the arrangement.

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