Chapter Four

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Jisoo pull a chair for irene to sit and went to sit at the opposite side of the older girl. She look around the fancy restaurant that irene just took her in.

" what's with this dinner huh?" Jisoo ask, still looking around.

" aren't you said you wanted one the last time??"

" I'm just kidding joohyun. Are you trying to bribe me to go to the site with you this weekend?" jisoo smirk.

" Well if that work with you" irene shrugged.

" Order anything!! It's on me"

" Whoa!!!! Sugar mommy" Jisoo joke as she take a look at the menu.

" I will just have a steak, medium rare please" Jisoo close the menu and smile at the waitress, making a girl blush.

" Is that it??" Irene ask again.

" Yeah. I can't it so much at night, it's hard to digest"

" Alright then!!! I will have the same and a bottle of wine please!"

" No!!! just a glass please" Jisoo stopped.

" I have to drive you know" She continued before irene could ask.

Irene smile to herself, this is why she likes jisoo because she is being so responsible and understandable too, but sadly that a brunette isn't thinking about her the same way.

" So, will you go to the site with me or not?" Irene ask, avert her attention from her own thought.

" Why do you even ask?? It was assign by the higher up. I am just a mere staff. I can't argue on that, plus I can't let you go alone" jisoo spoke, taking a sip of her water.

" Yes you can decline if you don't want to" Irene said pretend not to heard jisoo last statement and not daring to look at jisoo eyes.

" You always act this coy when in fact you always wanted me to go along side with you" Jisoo narrow her eyes and move her body slightly for a waitress to place a plate of steak for her.

And irene hate it, she hate that jisoo always looking through her even without her saying anything. She look at jisoo who stuff her face in the steak and crack into a small smile.

" Why are you laughing?" Jisoo ask still mouthful.

" Nothing"

Jisoo was about to say something but then her phone rang. She gulped all the food and drink some water before answer her phone call.

" Hello Jen" Jisoo pick up.

Irene stay still for a brief second when she heard the calls name and process to cut her steak again.

" Stay there!!! I will be there soon" Jisoo hung up and getting up from her seat, looking panicked.

" Sorry irene, but I have to go now. Text me when you get home, kay??" jisoo said and dash off before irene could even utter a word.

" Nothing change at all... you will always be one call away for her" Irene sadly smile.


Jennie rush through the front door, slam it shut behind her, lock the deadbolt with force. Her hand lifts to cover her mouth as the sobs she was holding in escape from somewhere deep inside her chest. A terribly sad and broken place she didn't even know existed. Her feet carry her over to the stairs, she drop her bag at her feet and collapse onto the first step, dig her fingers into the soft, cream-colored carpet as tears pour from her eyes like rain furiously falling from the sky. She tried not to make a loud noise in case ella hear her.

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