Chapter Thirteen

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Seulgi woke up by the sound of the bell rang, and who the fucking hell ringing at her door in the freaking morning like this. With groaned and dizziness, she finally walk herself to the door and open it.

" You look dead!!" Jisoo said.

" All because an asshole like you" seulgi rub her eyes and move to let jisoo inside.

" ella has a cold last night which is why I have to stay." Jisoo explained and walk to the living room.

" Are you her mom?? Jennie can do it" Seulgi roll her eyes.

" did you stripe them off last night??" jisoo stood still, cover her mouth looking at the terrible sight in front of her.

The trio is sleeping with their clothes off in the living room, cuddling each other on the cold floor.

"They vomited everywhere. I didn't have time to clear my house and dress them again you know" Seulgi walk to the kitchen.

" At least give them blanket you heartless moron" Jisoo sit across her friend.

" Who said I didn't??" seulgi raise her brow.

" Look at them.. hugging each other to get a warm."

" Yahhh!! Ask your friend who look like monkey right there." Seulgi turn around to make a coffe.

" Why??"

"she throw a blanket away so that you could hug a tallest girl" seulgi nod to chaeyoung who is in lisa's arm right now.

" WHAT??/ how could you catch on so fast??"

" I am not dense like you."

" pffttt"

" By the way where is irene?? She's not spend a night here??"

Seulgi stopped what she was doing and turn to her friend.

" do you want a coffee?"

" eh?? Yes" jisoo answered in confused.

Seulgi make two hot americano one for herself and another one for jisoo.

" Jisoo.."

" yes?" Jisoo answer after sipping on a hot coffee.

" Should we go to my vacation house next??"

" Wae??? I thought you don't like my friends."

" it's not that I don't like them. I am just uncomfortable at first. But they are nice tho as I get to know them" seulgi clear her throat.

" Uhmmm I will see my schedule and them first.!!!"

" is irene working with you too?"

" Yes but in different department"

" Why did you guys seems so close then??"

Jisoo put her cup down and lean her body toward the table, inspecting seulgi face while narrow her eyes. Seulgi gulped and lean back as jisoo give her a teasing look.

" WHAt???"

" Why do you ask??"

" aren't you want me and her to know each other?? She just seems cold. At least you should give me a head up" seulgi excused.

" You are right!" Jisoo nods and lean back.

" We knew each other back then when we were in college. And then she join a company after I work there for two years."

" Ahhh..."

Seulgi nods to herself before smiling.


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