Will -you're welcome-

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- will is a homosexual in my mind but since nothing has yet been confirmed, this is a requested x fem reader story. ALSO SEASON 4 VOLUME 2 COMES OUT TOMORROW!!!!! + this is VERY short cuz i didn't know what to write.

"Will! Wait up!"

"Alright! Alright!" The boy in front of me slowed down and waited for me to catch up. I bent over to catch my breath as he laughed at me.

"How, are you, so fast?" I asked in between breaths. He let out a laugh before replying.

"Been running from monsters since I was 11," I laughed at his joke and stood back up straight. My hair slightly covering my face. He paused before reaching for it and moving it out of the way, tucking it behind my ear. I was frozen in place as he and I had only known each other for a year and I had fallen for him as soon as he came to California.

"Thanks," I said, barely inaudible.

"You're welcome," He took my hand in his as butterfly's erupted in my stomach and he led me to his house to show me a painting.

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