Lucas -new player-

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- very short!! and cursing (barely)
- Jason is your brother and he's white so for my poc readers I did not include sharing the same parents and I tried to make it flexible as so you could have been adopted.
- edited

"y/n meet Lucas, Lucas meet y/n!" My brother, Jason said enthusiastically. I'd already met Lucas before but he didn't know that. We went to the same middle school but Lucas was a massive nerd there. I mean, now he's on the basketball team and honestly kind of cute. I was happy for him, making new friends even though I rarely spoke to him during middle school.

Jason went back to shooting hoops as Lucas and I ignited a conversation.

"He doesn't know we went to middle school together?" Lucas laughed. I joined him.

"To be fair, it's not like we were close," I said. Lucas agreed with me as we made awkward eye contact that neither of us could tear away from.

"Lucas! You coming, dude?" Jason yelled wearily of his new player eyeing his sister. Lucas gave him a thumbs up and turned back to me.

"You'll be at our game right?" He asked with a goofy smile on his face.

"Of course. Jason would kill me if I missed it." I half-joked.

"Cool" he said smiling like an idiot.

"Lucas! Get you're ass over here and practice!" Jason yelled once again, earning a few laughs from the rest of the team. He faced me and waved slyly as he jogged back to the ball rack, still smiling. I can't lie, it was cute.

- requests please!!!

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