Eddie -just the way you are-

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- warning for bad body images. fem! reader. this was requested. originally made for an overweight reader but in my opinion it works well with anyone who has body image issues. you're all beautiful <3
- edited

The mirror in front of me reflected a woman I wish I didn't know. The way my skin felt and looked, the way my face felt and looked and the way my hair felt and looked. Nothing about me was valuable in my mind.

As I stood in front of my mirror wearing only my bra and underwear, a door flying open could be heard from behind me, followed by a whistle. I whipped my head around and there Eddie stood, leaning against the door frame and looking me up and down.

"Eddie! Get out!" I screamed. He suddenly snapped out of his trance and shut the door. I covered my body and ran to find my nearest clothes. I was on the brink of tears with nothing but my body on my mind. He saw me in a vulnerable state like that and now he probably doesn't even want to be with me. No matter how stupid it sounds, my mind was set on this feeling.

I thought more and more about it as tears started to roll down my cheeks. I tried to compose myself and wipe them away but they kept falling. My cries turned into sobs as I covered my mouth in an attempt to hide the noises I made. To my despise, it didn't work as the door opened once again to a saddened Eddie. He shut the door behind him and walked into my room.

He sat next to me on the floor and put his hand on my shoulder.

"What's up sweetheart?" he said as sweetly and genuinely as possible. His hand gently stroked my shoulder as he waited for my answer. I tried to wipe my tears and calm down, not wanting him to see me cry even though he already had.

"I'm sorry I walked in on you. I should've knocked," he stated, having a feeling that was the reason. I didn't say anything as I waited for him to speak again.

"Is that why you're crying?" he asked sincerely. I started sobbing again at his question which gave him all the answers he needed. He pulled me in close, giving me the tightest hug as I sat there and tried to calm down.

"You're beautiful y/n. You always have been and you always will be, just the way you are. I love you," His words gave me a sense of security as I slightly calmed down, breathing heavily on to his chest. He continued to gently stoke my back in the hugging position we were sat in. I wanted to believe him and in a way his words made me feel slightly more comfortable in the situation.

"I love you," I said, no louder then a whisper. He gave me a small kiss on my forehead and held me tight until my crying came to a halt.

- officially out of writers block! please request :)

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