Eddie -prom-

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The dresses that were lined up on the racks all looked magnificent as I ran my hand across them. The fabrics all felt different on my fingertips, some rough, some silky, some were even bumpy. How could I choose from all the selections. Eddie and I were graduating this year finally, so being here was completely unsuspected and endorphins filled my body from just standing in the dress store.

From my part time job I managed to save up enough money over two years to buy almost any dress. My best friend Isabel traced her hands over the dresses once again, speaking to me.

"You know, you might be two years older than me but I'm really glad we're friends," she had been ranting for a while about our friendship. We became friends at the start of this year as I had to redo senior year for the second time but I'm finally graduating and so is she, so here we are, buying prom dresses.

"Have you found anything you like?" I ask, turning to face her. She held three dresses in her hands with a big grin on her face.

"All of them?" I question her. Her smile slightly faulted as she contemplated her next words.

"Well, one of them is for you, but you do realise you need to try on multiple dresses to find the right one?" She talked in disbelief as if I was the dumbest person ever. I nodded my head in agreement and picked out the closest dress to me. Surprisingly, it was a decent dress so I shook it in front of me as Isabel laughed.

"To the change rooms!" she squealed loudly. I followed her to the back of the store to little rooms with yellow curtains for privacy. Isabel placed her two dresses in one room, giving the other one she picked out to me. I walked into the room, closing the curtain behind me and began changing into my first dress. It hugged my body just right but the colour was a little ugly to be honest.

Isabel and I walked out of our rooms at relatively the same time and looked at each other, checking out the dresses that the both of us wore. She looked stunning in the dress she picked out for herself.

"You look amazing in that Isabel!" I told her which instilled a type of confidence into her mannerisms. She admired herself in the mirror as I tried to do the same to myself yet I wasn't feeling it.

"I think your body looks pretty in yours" She reassured after seeing the nonchalant look on my face. I nodded a thank you towards her kindness and looked back to the mirror.

"I'm going to try on the other one," I said, barely looking at her. I returned to the change room and shut the curtain once again. After putting the dress down, I reached for the one Isabel picked out for me. It was genuinely pretty and I hoped I liked it on me because I didn't want to have to find another one.

This dress also fitted perfectly but this time the colour was perfect. In fact, it was my favourite. The dress made me feel confident and a smile crept its way into my face. I walked out of the change room to see an awestruck Isabel.

"Oh my! I knew you were going to look gorgeous in that dress!" She looked like she was about to squeal again and her hypes only made me more confident.

"I want this one," I was so excited to buy this dress and the from the way Isabel was looking, I knew she was too.

The sound of a phone rang through the air as I puffed up my hair to make it as cute as possible.

"I'll get it!" Isabel called out to me as she answered the phone on the wall. Her conversation didn't last too long as she came back to her bedroom where I was sat.

"You look so good y/n! Eddie's totally going to be blown away," Her excitement rubbed off on me as she complimented my looks.

"So do you, I bet Louis will be just as mesmerised!" I returned her compliment.

"Who was that on the phone?" I asked out if curiosity. Her smile grew as she spoke.

"It was Louis. He said they've left from his house so they will be here soon," she grinned happily and reached for her purse. I decided not to bring one and we'd just share hers so we were ready.

We made our way downstairs, hand in hand as I fixed a bit of her hair that was out of place due to the phone call earlier. With perfect timing, three sharp knocks echoed slightly from the front door. Isabel squealed and almost sprinted to answer it.

As she opened the door, I caught a glimpse of something I never thought I would see. Eddie was stood there in a suit. He had the bow tie around his neck that I bought for him to match my dress and he looked amazing.

"Coming?" Louis asked Isabel and I. We both walked out of the door, saying our goodbyes to Isabel's dad who had his head in the newspaper.

"You look incredible y/n," Eddie's words brought a red tint to my cheeks as we walked to the car.

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