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Published on February 28, 2015

Youtube Video Transcript:

Hey everyone, Dallas here with Girls Drool Too.

Everyone knows that there is a lot I dislike about being a girl, and that most of these involve societal expectations. But I also hate some of my biological attributes, including my period. Or, at least, I hated my period.

I was one of those girls who would typically buy scented tampons with really easy applicators so I didn't have to smell or touch my blood very much. I've grown up thinking that my periods are pretty gross. I keep them secret.

But why should I deny one of my body's biological functions, especially when #GirlsShitToo was inspired to combat the idea that does just that?

There are some feminists who think if men had periods and women didn't, menstruation would be... like... a bragging point. Men would brag about how much they bled and how long they bled for, and they'd do it out in the open. When they complained about how brutal periods were, they wouldn't be shamed. We can't know for sure what that world would be like unless it were real, but we can imagine. So I bring you a short film inspired by the question: what if men had periods?


A Short Film by Justine Jackson and Dallas Delaney

(A young man stands in the bathroom, washing his hands. Another young man enters as he finishes drying them.)


Hey man!

(The two young men give each other a high five)

What's shaking?


You mean what's gushing? My monthly demon, that's who. He's on murder mission this month. It's like The Red Wedding in my boxers!


You're telling me. Mine's heavier than sludge metal.


Well mine's lasted for four days.


Got you beat! Goin' on day five.


Impressive, dude. You should take some of those tax-free bloodstoppers from that bloodstopper dispenser over there. They'll keep you from bleeding through. Even though bleeding through is totally metal and not disgusting, so even if it happens, who cares?

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