Vlogger's Remorse

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A few hours after my vlog was released, it became evident that most of the twitterverse engaged in my project seemed to be against me. People had even started a new hashtag: #DallasDelaneySucks. And after reading what they had to say, I couldn't blame them.

Sophia C @DamselOutOfDistress

.@DallasDelaney funny that you're "promoting acceptance" while spewing intolerance #DallasDelaneySucks

EliteAF @EliteAF

Boo hoo @DallasDelaney some old woman made you sad? Get over it. #DallasDelaneySucks

Carter Coin @duel4victory

Men have to deal with masculinity police, too. Only getting beat up for acting "gay" is WAY worse than getting bad advice from an old lady.

Valerie Devant @VVDevant

Are manicures a waste of time when they're quality time spent with a loved ones? #DallasDelaneySucks

The worst tweet was the one I got from my friend Dylan:

Dylan Brynt @DillieB

@DallasDelaney wow, this is the stupidest shit. Did you even think of me when you made this?Or are we not friends anymore? #DallasDelaneySucks

After reading those, the Vlogger's Remorse set in, which I found was similar to Buyer's Remorse, except with Vlogger's Remorse you regretted what you vlogged and not what you purchased. And it was far worse than Buyer's Remorse, because at least when you purchased something you could return it and get your money back. You couldn't turn back the clock and make your viewers forget your words.

I perceived myself as being so open, and suddenly I was labeled as a "spewer of intolerance." Learning you aren't who you think you are hurts. It's like discovering deceit, except you're the deceiver.

I wasn't trying to be intolerant...I was just trying to call out girls like Valerie who set and maintained the standards for what femininity had to be. The standards that I could never achieve.

What upset me more than anyone else's response was Dylan's. Were he and I friends? I didn't know. We hadn't been hanging out that much, even though we'd been fierce friends throughout the beginning of high school. Dylan had moved here from Texas freshman year, and one of the reasons he'd moved here was because of the principal at his school, who had told his parents that if Dylan wanted to quit getting bullied for wearing nail polish then he should just stop wearing nail polish. His parents were furious. They'd known Texas was a bad place to raise their gay son, but the principal's inaction toward the bullies convinced them that they needed to move someplace more progressive.

I'd asked Dylan, when he'd told me that, why he hadn't just stopped wearing nail polish, since it seemed like that really would've been the easier option. It was a stupid question, and his answer made this obvious: "Nail polish is one of my favorite forms of self-expression. Would you stop wearing metal shirts because someone else didn't like them on you?"

I was getting some support for my vlog, especially in the Youtube comments:

Hallie Upright

This girl is hilarious

Chad Gray

+Hallie Upright nothing is funnier than bold girls willing to make controversial statements and pissing so many other girls off lol

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