When #MasturbationNarratives Trends...

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I felt like I was in a dream after I released my vlog on masturbation, like maybe I would suddenly fall off a building and wake up and realize I hadn't actually made that vlog. Part of me still couldn't believe I had, even after I'd clicked "publish."

Benny texted me right away:


Sun, Apr 17, 9:55 PM


I hate u




Bc u talked me out of doing my project on masturbation bc it could never fly

But u just proved it can fly


It flies bc I gave it wings first


Don't get all metaphorical on me

How often do u masturbate anyway? Just curious...


Whenever I feel like it


I said how often not when


I know 😉

#GirlsMasturb82 and #MasturbationNarratives became trending hashtags on Twitter and Tumblr, and I hadn't even started them!

Alicia @DragonQu33n

Once my dad caught me in bed with...a toy. Embarrassing. #MasturbationNarratives

Helena Alder @forward2thepast

I like the bathtub tap the most #MasturbationNarratives

Jade A. @JadeAnderson

I used to fake sick to get out of going to church so that I could masturbate in privacy. #MasturbationNarratives

Jade A. @JadeAnderson

Truth: the reason female masturbation isn't a thing is b/c men don't want women to know they don't need men to feel pleasure #GirlsMasturb82

Jinger Spice @JingerMelson

Mom would say I could touch myself in private.Glad she didn't make it weird. I have a healthy relationship w/myself! #MasturbationNarratives

Jinger Spice @JingerMelson

It really can be so comforting, esp. when u cant go to sleep, when ur stressed, when ur excited, anytime, rly! #GirlsMasturb82

Bada$$ Benny @BennnnnnnnnyB

Ummm...what IS a vulva?

Dallas Delaney @DallasDelaney

@BennnnnnnnnyB Ummm do I need to show you?

Bada$$ Benny @BennnnnnnnnyB

@DallasDelaney Plz do

Dallas Delaney @DallasDelaney

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