Chapter 18: Kill the Religious Organization

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3rd Person POV

Night Raid

Letting out a small groan, James shifted, the sunlight streaming through the open window. Yawning, he made to rub his eyes, only to find that he couldn't move his arm. His eyes flying open, he found Akame lying next to him, her arms wrapped around his as she held him close, her head resting on his shoulder. Light from the window cast an ethereal glow on her features, illuminating the gentle smile that crossed her lips as she snuggled closer.

At first, James froze, unsure of what was happening. Then, the Drift activated, and memories of last night passed through him, causing him to smile. After they had confessed, Akame had insisted on sleeping beside him and....

James tried to adjust his position, trying to free his arm, but Akame grabbed him and pulled him down beside her, causing his eyes to widen. What in the—? He checked the Drift, only to find that she was still asleep, much to his surprise.

Akame pulled him closer, one of her legs pressed against his as she hugged him against her chest, much to his shock. His face reddened, a flush of heat creeping down his neck at her movement. This might take me a while, he thought.

Akame shifted, and her thoughts shifted as well as she slowly woke up. Blinking, she yawned, rubbing her eyes. "James?"

"Over here, Sheila," he replied, his voice muffled.

She looked down and blinked, tilting her head in confusion as a blush crossed her features. "What are you doing?"

"Evidently, I'm trying out the part of a body pillow," James replied, his face reddening as Akame's did as well.

"Um, when did we get back to the dorm?" Akame asked, an adorable blush crossing her features, yet she made no move to push James away. Instead, it seemed like she pulled him closer.

"Last night," James replied, barely managing to filter the thoughts passing through the Drift.

Several moments passed, neither of them moving from their current positions. Just then, Akame's stomach rumbled, and she blushed.

"Missed your early-morning breakfast?" James asked in amusement.

"" Her stomach grumbled again, and she looked away, earning a chuckle from James.

"Tell you what, once we get out of here, I'll make you as much breakfast as you want, okay?" James proposed.

Akame's eyes sparkled, and she nodded, bringing her lips to his for a long moment. After several seconds, she pulled away. "Alright," she decided. "But... five more minutes."

James sweatdropped as once again, Akame adjusted her position, pulling his body against hers. I guess breakfast can wait.


"You got a real grip on you, you know that, mate?" James asked, rubbing his arm as he and Akame made their way toward the dining hall.

Akame shifted, glancing away. "You're... comfortable," she mumbled.

James blinked, but before he could say anything, Akame rested her head on his shoulder, her hand slipping into his as they walked down the hallway, their footsteps echoing.

James opened his mouth, then closed it, letting the Drift wash over them as he gave Akame's hand a gentle squeeze. Up ahead, they could hear voices coming from the dining hall.

Akame Ga Kill: UprisingWhere stories live. Discover now