Chapter 24: Kill the Fate

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3rd Person POV


"I don't get it," Wave complained as he and Suzuka stood at the side of a large courtyard, watching as several children laughed and giggled as they played a game of ball. "I feel like we've looked everywhere. Where could their hideout be?"

"Well, Kyoroku is an extremely large city," Suzuka pointed out, arms crossed. "And since this religious organization is a fairly peaceful one, we can't do anything drastic to lure them out. It's going to take more than simply attacking someone."

"Hey, Fury!" Seryu called, catching the airborne ball on her knee and kicking it, much to the enjoyment of the children. "Catch!"

Seeing the ball coming, Fury grinned and raced after it. "I'm gonna get it!" he shouted, only to 'trip' over Koro and collapse, the kids easily overtaking him.

"No!" he shouted, the kids giggling at his antics as they raced off, kicking the ball ahead of them. "I have been defeated! Seryu! Avenge me!"

Smiling, Seryu raced after the ball, Koro barking happily at her side. "Kids are so cute!" she giggled, smiling widely. They're still so young and pure; they haven't been tainted by the Capital yet. "Come back here!" she shouted, a small laugh escaping her lips as she raced past Fury's 'dead' body, several kids poking him curiously with sticks.

"Wow, I never realized she could actually smile like that," Suzuka commented, watching as Seryu and the children raced after the ball with Koro in the lead.

"Yeah, she's been stressed a lot lately," Wave agreed, crossing his arms. "Ever since that mission the General sent them on a few days ago. Esdeath told her she should try a little change of pace, and it seems like Fury's been helping."

"Ilive!" Fury announced, sitting up with his arms outstretched like a zombie's.The kids shrieked in delight and raced away as Fury pushed himself up andjogged after them. 

(A/N) Like this.

"Speaking of, are they a thing yet or..." Suzuka trailed off, and Wave shrugged.

"At this point, I'm not really sure," he admitted. "It's like... some days they're acting like a married couple, and the next...."

Suzuka nodded, eyeing Fury and Seryu as the two Jaegers engaged in an all-out dodgeball fight against everyone else. Using only one ball was troublesome, yet they seemed to make it work... even though they lost practically every round. "It seems everyone has their demons," she commented.

"Guess so." Wave glanced at her. "By the way, you've been hanging around a lot lately," he commented. "Have you decided to join us or what?"

"Hmm..." She tapped her chin. "I guess we're 'partners,'" she replied, making air quotes with her fingers. "Whatever it takes to get General Esdeath to put me in my place." She giggled, the motion unsettling the blue-haired Jaeger.

I'm not sure why, but something about this girl reminds me of Dr. Stylish, Wave thought, eyeing her uncomfortably.


"See ya!" Seryu called, waving happily as she and Fury watched the children run home to their parents. "Remember to have fun, okay boys and girls?"

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