Chapter 14: Kill the Nuisances

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3rd Person POV

Imperial Capital

"Thanks to the Jaegers, the number of bandits near the Capital has drastically decreased," the young Emperor declared, the Minister at his side as Esdeath knelt before his throne, one hand over her chest, her head bowed. "And Night Raid has kept a low profile as of late. They must be quite afraid of you. We are pleased with your work."

"Yes," Esdeath acknowledged. "Once I discover the location of their new base, they will be punished."

The Emperor nodded, scepter in hand. "We have the utmost faith in you. But sadly, we haven't found a suitor who meets your criteria yet. Though, I should mention the Minister here does have an unmarried son," he suggested helpfully. "I hear he has potential."

The Minister grunted, a bead of sweat dripping down the side of his forehead.

"Your highness," Esdeath said firmly. "As I stated in my report, the position has been filled. You needn't concern yourself further."

"But didn't you tell us that he had vanished without a trace?" the Emperor asked in confusion. "How can you have a relationship like that?"

"The pursuit has made me want him even more," Esdeath explained. "It seems this love is unfamiliar to me."

"Woah," the young Emperor breathed, awestruck. "Most intriguing."

"Not as much as you think, Your Grace," the Minister murmured.


"You seem to have rubbed off on the Emperor," Minister Honest commented as he and Esdeath sat at either end of a long, wooden table. "He's been interested in romance of late." He chuckled. "I think he's well on his way to a life of corruption and debauchery."

"That interest seems to be very common these days, especially between my subordinates," Esdeath commented, a small sigh escaping her lips.

Picking up several cubes of sugar, he opened his hand, letting them fall into one of the glasses set before him. "My plan is to make sure the Emperor enjoys the sweetest life possible," he explained.

"Just don't allow him to fall into any bad habits," Esdeath warned, resting her head on her palm.

Honest nodded, raising his glass to her. "Right. Anyway, I have a favor to ask of you."

"I'm listening."

Taking a sip, Honest explained, "A new species of Danger Beast has appeared around the Capital. I would like you to get rid of them."

"Yes, I know," Esdeath acknowledged, clasping her hands together and resting her chin on her interlaced fingers. "I've already started investigating that for myself. Until recently, creatures like these only lived in forests and in the mines. But just days ago, a few forced their way into a couple's home and devoured them alive."

Honest nodded. "I heard about that. They're also said to bear a resemblance to human beings, with strange glowing veins and leathery skin. We could have a lot of fun with these new toys, yes? Great General Budo has ordered that they all be destroyed, but I would love to examine them."

Esdeath nodded and stood up. "As you wish." She smirked. "After hearing how deadly they are, I don't think I can resist hunting them. I suppose I could catch two or three for you. Please forward the reward money to the soldiers I have stationed up north."

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