Chapter 6: Kill the Absolute Justice

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3rd Person POV

Night Raid Base

"LOCCENT, Typhoon and Alpha are in trouble," James reported, his fists clenching as he watched Otachi singlehandedly decimating both Jaegers, knocking Alpha away with her tail. "I'm moving in."

"You are to hold your ground; do not engage," Stacker ordered. "We need you to carry that bomb. Do you copy?"

James gritted his teeth but nodded. "Aye, sir."

Snarling, Otachi whipped her tail around, and it clamped down on Typhoon's Conn-Pod.

"Screw this; I can't just let them die," James growled and called the base. "Listen, I'm moving in now!"

With a loud crack, Otachi's tail claws clenched, shattering the Conn-Pod and ripping it off. Explosions erupting through the Jaeger's neck, its body fell back, collapsing below the water.

Snarling, Otachi whirled around, facing Cherno as the massive Jaeger slammed its fists together, the familiar call of the hunting horn echoing across the sea.

Fist clenching into position, Cherno advanced, rain pattering against its armor.

Otachi opened her mouth, the bottom jaw splitting in two to reveal a swelling blue pouch beneath her neck. She hissed, and a stream of blue liquid seared out, splashing against Cherno's helm.

"Cherno Alpha, we've been hit with some type of acid!" Sasha Kaidonovsky shouted. "Hull has been compromised; we need backup immediat—"


Shaking his head, James turned and saw Akame standing at the edge of his doorway. "Oh, hey, Sheila," he greeted and slipped his shirt on, resting his jacket on his shoulders shortly after.

A flash of strange disappointment came through Akame, but she shook it off. "You said that we would practice handling the Drift today," she said, reminding him of what he promised Najenda the day before.

James sighed. "Right." Picking up his hat, he examined it, then flipped it onto his head. "Let's get some food first, then head down to the training yard."

Akame tilted her head. "How will that help me handle the Drift?"

"Trust me, Sheila," James said, walking past her and patting her on the shoulder, "when we 'Drifted' to save you from Zanku... we got lucky."

He walked off, leaving Akame to ponder his words before she shook her head and went after him.

Dining Room

"You said we got lucky," Akame said, her knife flashing as she sliced a fish lengthwise, James doing the same. Fish for breakfast might not have been ideal, but Akame had insisted. "What exactly did you mean by that?"

"We Drifted outside of a Jaeger," James explained. "It's dangerous enough inside one, but outside... it's twice as dangerous. One of us could have easily chased the R.A.B.I.T., and you did thanks to Zanku."

"Chase the R.A.B.I.T.?" Akame asked in confusion, tilting her head.

"Random Access Brain Impulse Triggers," James explained. "It happens when a Jaeger pilot latches onto a memory. They can become trapped in the memory regardless of who it belonged to."

"So, Zanku—"

"Made you chase the R.A.B.I.T.?" James asked. "Yeah. And I have a pretty good idea how."

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