Chapter 25: Kill the Carnage

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3rd Person POV


"Another castle surrendered without a fight!" a general dressed in green growled as he and several other generals stood around a map.

"Cowards," another scoffed. "Don't these people have any loyalty anymore?"

"The viceroys of these castles were relocated to the countryside because their behavior showed signs of insubordination against His Majesty," the Minister said dismissively, taking another bite out of a piece of meat as he sat at the head of the table. "It comes as no surprise."

"But, Minister," one of the generals protested. "If this continues, the Rebel Army will reach the Imperial—"

"There's no need to panic," a new voice stated, and everyone turned to find a tall, muscular man with blond hair resembling horns, blue eyes, a dark grey suit of armor, and a red cloak standing against the doorway, his arms crossed.

          "Great General Budo," one of the men murmured in awe

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"Great General Budo," one of the men murmured in awe.

"A general should refrain from getting involved in politics," he stated. "I've lived by those words for quite some time now." His eyes narrowed. "However... I'm finding it a challenge to keep my mouth shut when it comes to something like this, Minister."

The Minister chuckled. "Well, I'm not sure what to say—"

"I will protect this Empire," Budo stated. "It is a responsibility handed down through my family line for the past thousand years. As such, I will personally annihilate anyone who dares to disrupt the peace of this great nation... regardless of who may interfere."

"Admirable," the Minister commented. "But there's no reason for concern. Even if the citizens rise in rebellion, we have plans in place to overpower them." He stood. "Gentlemen... allow me to introduce an elite force I've assembled to protect the Capital."

A click, and the door opened, a familiar man with an X-shaped scar on his face entering alongside several men and women dressed in golden cloaks. "Hello, hellooo~" Syura greeted, a wicked smile on his features.

Several of the assembled generals gasped, one taking a hesitant step back.

"This my son, Syura," the Minister introduced proudly, clapping the young man on the back. "I've decided to appoint him to serve as the company's commander."

Syura smirked, and his gaze flicked to Budo. "Hm? You must be the 'Great' General I've heard so much about," he commented. "You're, like, tied with Esdeath for scariest in the Empire. Anyway, you shouldn't waste time worrying about some commoners and their stupid revolution. Why not let me handle it?"

In response, Budo merely turned and headed toward the doorway.

"Oh? Going out?" The Minister taunted.

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