Chapter 8: Kill the Three Beasts: Part Two

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3rd Person POV


"Former General, actually," Liver corrected as he, Bulat, Tatsumi, and James stood on the deck of the Ryusen, gray clouds gathering overhead as he placed a hand on his chest. "Ever since Master Esdeath saved my life, I have been her devoted servant."

Is this the same guy Bro was talking about in the story from his past? Tatsumi wondered.

He must have been Bulat's general, James realized and sank lower into a fighting stance.

A heavy tension filled the air, James and Tatsumi standing behind Bulat on one side, General Liver on the other.

"If things were different, I'd be drinking a toast to our reunion," Bulat said, spinning his staff in hand. "But since they're not, I'm going to have to kill you." He raised his weapon and settled into a fighting stance. "The mission comes first!"

Liver bowed his head. "I couldn't have said it better myself." He adjusted one of his gloves. "General Esdeath's wishes will be realized." Pulling the glove off, he revealed a silver ring shaped like a dragon head. "And to ensure that I am successful, she gave me this Imperial Arms!" The gem on the ring gleamed, and water exploded in torrents from several water barrels set to the side. "The Black Marlin," Liver proclaimed. "It's a ring-type weapon."

"No way, I thought it was miniature belt," James shot back and flicked out his Stingblades.

"It was crafted from the organs of aquatic Danger Beasts with the power to control water," Liver went on, ignoring him.

James froze. Wait, if he can control water, and if realizes that bodies contain 60% water, he can control us.... I really hope I transformed fully into this form.

"As such, whoever wears it can manipulate any liquid at will." He gave a faint smirk, confirming James's fears. "If this is our battlefield, Lady Luck is certainly smiling upon me."

"That's why they sent you here," James realized, his visor flashing as he sank lower into a fighting stance. "Since we're in the middle of the ocean... it's your home turf."

"Very observant," Liver acknowledged, dipping his head toward him. "Unfortunately, such traits will not save you."

"So, you fight with water now," Bulat said, not moving out of his stance. "Rather convenient that your boss is an ice user."

"General Esdeath can create ice out of thin air," Liver replied. "Do not elevate me to her level. She is a god!" He jabbed his hands toward them, and the water followed his movements. "Water Fire!"

"Touchy, touchy..." Bulat taunted as the water spires drew nearer. Grunting, he skidded backward as the water slammed into his spear.

"Son of a—" Nyau winced, pulling himself out from the pile of crates that had collapsed on top of him. "And it looks like Liver's got his hands full with this guy." He smirked. "Well, with all this water around, I'm sure he'll be okay... but a little backup would help." He raised his flute.

"Not if I can help it!" Surging forward, Tatsumi swung, and Nyau barely intercepted the blow from the brown-haired assassin. "You guys are crazy if you think I'm just gonna sit over there and watch the whole time!"

"You're in the way," Nyau replied. "Back off!" He shoved Tatsumi back, and the assassin flipped through the air, landing on his feet.

"You Night Raid people are really freakin' annoying!" Nyau surged forward, flute raised, and then an armored hand latched onto his tail. Crying out, Nyau slammed into the crates once more as James flung him aside with one hand.

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