Chapter 30: Kill the God

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3rd Person POV


"What the—?" Stumbling as a Plasma Saw slammed against his Stingblade, James looked up and his 'eyes' widened as the walls of the palace erupted, shattering to pieces as a massive mech around 319 feet tall rose to its full height. With massive shoulder pauldrons resting atop a sea-blue cloak that covered its body, the mech had red gems adorning its frame and a golden 'crown' on its head. 

What the Hell is that thing?! Some kind of Jaeger?

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What the Hell is that thing?! Some kind of Jaeger?

So, it seems as though the humans of this world have a Jaeger of their own, Slattern's voice mused as Fury stared up at the mech from where he and James stood on a lower level of the Capital.

With Night Raid

"That thing's enormous!" Leone shouted. That thing's bigger than Striker Eureka!

How is James supposed to defeat that? Akame wondered, staring up at the massive mech as a bolt of fear tore down her spine.

"He's using the legendary Imperial Arms," Run murmured, horrified.

With Najenda

"Shikoutazer: Primus Imperator? So, it actually exists?!" Najenda muttered, eyes wide as she and the two armies stared up at the Ultimate Imperial Arms in shock, all fighting forgotten. She had thought James's Jaeger had been big, but now... "Damn that Minister!" she cursed. "No wonder he didn't admit defeat. He had this up his sleeve the whole time!"

"For generations, our Empire has been a flawless image of divine order," the Emperor's voice boomed, resonating from inside the head of Primus Imperator. "And anyone who should rebel against it must atone for their SINS!"

An orb of red energy expanded before the mech's crown. A flash of crimson light, and a brilliant explosion lit up the sky as a beam of energy surged from the mech and slammed into the western side of the city where a band of rebels had just breached the walls.

With Seryu and Mine

Eyes wide, the two girls gaped as a mushroom-like cloud of smoke expanded over the Capital, screams of pain and terror filling the air as panicked citizens scrambled down the streets. All those people... Seryu thought, staring down at the fleeing families in horror as flames from the attack spread from one building to the next. All those families... She clenched her fist. This has to stop.

"That thing's worse than Desta Ghoul," Mine whispered, staring up at Primus Imperator as the barrel of her weapon shook, her grip slacking. "How the Hell are we supposed to stop that?!"

Koro whined despairingly, and Seryu gritted her teeth. What can we do? she thought desperately. Apex and Odachi have their hands tied with Slattern's forces; the Revolutionary Army is in tatters; Night Raid is nowhere to be found, and Fury—

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