Chapter 2: Kill the Authority

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3rd Person POV


Relaxing in the shadows, James leaned against a tree as Tatsumi knelt before a set of graves, setting down a pair of white roses as he did so. It had been a day since they had been taken to Night Raid's base, and both boys had insisted on resting outside while they could. Late at night, they had buried Tatsumi's friends, and James was now waiting while Tatsumi paid his last respects.

Not even a day in a new world, and I'm already battling an enemy worse than the Precursors, James thought and sighed. Jaegers and their pilots are supposed to be 'the shield of humanity,' but... how can I protect people like Aria?

Even though there are 'some' good people in this world... is it really worth protecting this world's humanity? Or do I have to protect it from itself? Tatsumi and I are probably going to be joining whether we like it or not, but... can I kill other people? Sure, I've done it before, but that was to protect others or for survival.

Then again... if I were to kill the corrupted, then wouldn't I be protecting the few innocents who remain in this world?

James chuckled. It's funny really. I go from one world fighting monsters attacking humanity to one where humanity are the monsters. Irony at its purest, I guess.

Resting his head against the tree, he looked up toward the sky. Yancy... Raleigh... Yancy gave his life to save Raleigh, and now here I am after protecting Raleigh. The thought was darkly amusing. I'll never see them again... but if I can help people like Tatsumi, then I have to do my best.

So many emotions were whirling inside him that he wasn't sure what to feel. Grief that he failed to save Tatsumi's friends? Sadness because he'll never see his remaining brother or his world ever again? Happiness because he managed to take out one piece of corruption in the Empire? Or joy because he closed the breach, saving his world in the process?

And on top of all that, there was Akame. There was something about her... When they were fighting, they read each other just like James and his brothers used to when they sparred.

Could we actually be... Drift Compatible? he wondered. But she's not from my world. And being Drift Compatible with an assassin? This is either a massive plot hole or the universe messing with me again.

Shaking his head, he pushed off the tree and walked over to where Tatsumi knelt before his friends' graves.

"You alright there, Tatsumi?"

"Huh?" Tatsumi shook his head. "Er, yeah. I'm fine."

"You don't look it," James said and sat down beside him. "Look. I'm not going to pretend I know what you're going through. But... when my brother died, he said one last thing to me. Do know what it was?"

"Something about sports?" Tatsumi guessed, his tone half-hearted.

James laughed. "No. But good guess. He told me to live. Live for him, so that what he did would not go in vain. I barely know you or who your friends were, but if they were as great as you said... they'd want you to be happy."

"If you say so," Tatsumi said and sighed. "I can't believe the first girl I fell in love with turned out to be a psychopath."

James paused, searching for the right words of comfort. He settled for patting Tatsumi on the back. "That's rough, buddy."

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