Epilogue, Several Weeks Later

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3rd Person POV


"All in all, I've got no complaints really...It's Kurome who my heart goes out to. She still has nightmares... every single night... All their faces... having to see all the people that she's killed... She just mutters and repeats the same thing... 'Sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry....'"

"That just means her heart has finally started to return to normal... She'd have already been dead if it weren't for you... Continue to be her strength to live on."

"Yes, ma'am!"


Shaking his head, the blue-haired Jaeger tore himself from the memory of his conversation with Najenda and glanced toward Kurome as the young girl laid in bed, the black and blue blankets covering her. "Yeah?"

"I'm... I'm scared," Kurome admitted. It had been several weeks since the war had ended, and Wave had immediately returned to their cottage. Akame and James visited roughly every week, both checking in on Kurome's condition. "I see them... the shadows... the phantoms... of all the people I've killed... They keep coming for me."

"Kurome...." Leaning forward, Wave gently touched his lips against hers before pulling away and clasping her hand in his. "Even with everything you were going through... you let me go off to the Capital, didn't you?" he chuckled. "Not to toot my own horn, but thanks to that... you can't even begin to imagine how many lives were saved. You made the right decision... You can keep that and hold that in your heart."

Smiling, tears at the edges of her eyes, Kurome wrapped her arms around Wave, and he held her close, head bowed toward her as he rested his forehead against hers. James... I can't even begin to thank you for all you've done for us.

Tatsumi's Village

"Why, this is more than we ever had before!" the Mayor exclaimed as he and the other villagers stared at the massive chests full of gold resting on the floor of the main pavilion.

"I can't believe how much Tatsumi and the others were able to send us," another villager added. "It's changed everything around here."

"Now that things have settled back down, maybe Tatsumi, Sayo, and Ieyasu will be able to come back home again," a second villager said hopefully.

Nodding, the Mayor turned, staring out in the direction of the Capital as rays of sunlight crept across the sky. "They shall return as heroes," he proclaimed. "We'll welcome them home with a glorious celebration."


"It's amazing what people can live through, isn't it?" Najenda commented, joining Akame and James on the remains of one of the Capital's outer walls. Their backs to the sea, the three of them stared out across the broken expanse of the Capital. Already, people had begun to rebuild, replacing what was lost and burying those who hadn't survived. "They're already rebuilding the city."

"Well, what did you expect?" James chuckled, an arm wrapped around Akame's waist as she leaned against him, the pale scars on her skin catching the light. "We're humans. We're a stubborn bunch."

Najenda chuckled. "That we are...." She trailed off, staring out across the streets below. On the sidewalks, Bols and his family passed out supplies to the refugees of the battle. Smiling at his wife, the formerly masked man turned and knelt before his daughter, accepting a loaf of bread from the smiling girl and passing it to another refugee.

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