Chapter 19: Kill the Dolls

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3rd Person POV


Raising its head, the massive Danger Beast let out a thunderous roar, causing dozens of rocks to cascade down the sides of the canyon.

"The more puppets Kurome has, the slower her reaction time," Akame mused, tightening her grip on Murasame. "That works to my advantage."

Sensing her intentions, James reached out. "Akame, don't—!"

Akame was already moving, dashing up the side of the Danger Beast's knee and kicking off, leaping toward Kurome as she stood atop the Danger Beast's bony shoulder. Flipping, she brought her sword down on Kurome, and she intercepted, their katanas ringing against each other in a shower of sparks.

Gritting her teeth, Akame flipped away, landing lightly on the Desta Ghoul's shoulder before dashing toward her sister, her weapon a blur of silver as the two exchanged blows.

Jumping into the air and spinning over a swing at her hip, Akame brought her weapon down on Kurome's shoulder... only for a spear-like blade to intercept. A gasp escaping her lips, Akame stared at the sight of a masked young man with short blond hair and a long white trench coat deflecting her blow. 


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His blue eyes narrowing, Natara lashed out, his blade a blur of motion, and Akame danced away, dodging his attacks as she leapt into the air.

"Please, put him to rest, Kurome!" Akame pleaded, an image of Natara as he was earlier flashing through her mind. "You grew up together!"

"How could you say that, Akame?" Kurome asked as she dashed toward her sister, her weapon drawn as Natara did the same from the other side. She swung, and Akame blocked, the blade inches from her skin. "I want him to stay close to me forever and ever. He's my special friend. And I would love to add you to my collection. 'Cause that way... we could be together like the old days."

James was right, Akame realized, and her eyes narrowed. But as much as I want to be with her again... not like this. "Not on your life!" She swung, and Natara's spear slammed against hers, the impact throwing her off the Danger Beast's shoulder.

"Too bad~" Kurome sighed in a singsong.

With a low hum, the turbine on Bols's back spun to life, and he raised his weapon. "Magma Drive!" he proclaimed and opened fire, sending a fireball racing toward Akame's airborne body.

His Imperial Arms can do ranged attacks?! Akame thought, horrified as she realized that nothing she did would stop a fire-related attack.

Just before the attack could connect, a blur of silver crashed into her as familiar arms wrapped around her torso, tugging her out of the way.

Akame Ga Kill: UprisingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora