Chapter 1 Part 1

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                                                                                 ~~The Beginning~~

                                                                                 ~~The Beginning~~

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Tatsumaki POV:

    Years had past and it was finally me and Izu-kun's last year at Aldera Junior High which means there was so little time left before the entrance exam of UA High for the two of us.

   Turns out Izu-kun is quirkless but I believe he can still make it with  enough training.My quirk on the other hand is pretty strong.It is basically the psychic version of moms quirk:Telekinesis (I named her quirk telekinesis cuz her quirk was really similar to telekinesis and was unnamed).I can float and control things and I think it's pretty cool. 

  Currently we were watching the fight between a thief who had a gigantism quirk against Kamui Woods.It's shame for a pretty good quirk like that was going to waste, he could have been so much more than a petty bag snatcher.But things changed rather quickly when the new hero Mt. Lady stole the spotlight from Kamui Woods by kicking the villian in the head.She did knock him out but did some damage to the city. 'So there's a limiting to her quirk.' Honestly it was funny how she was taking all the credit from Kamui Woods who did most of the job.

 'Poor Kamui.' I tought and let out a small chuckle under my breath.

~~Small Time Skip brought to you by my laziness -_-~~  

3rd POV:

"Since you're all third years it's time for you to think seriously about your future."Said the middle aged man to his students.

"I could pass out some career aptitude tests but why bother?"The man said grabbing the papers infront of him,then trhowing the papers in the air.

"I know you all want to go to the hero track!"

Every student then started to show off their quirks except for a certian three.In the mean time Izuku had stayed quiet not wanting to get noticed by his classmates.Tatsumaki for a second had pity in her face but quickly went back to her stoic expression that she had wore everday.

  Bakugou was suspiciously quiet in Tatsumaki's opinion though. 'He's planing something, isn't he?'

" Hey,Teach!"

"Don't lump me in with this bunch of losers." Bakugou said grinning with his feet on the top of the desk crossed, looking up at the ceiling. "I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as a sidekick to some busted d-lister, heh!" Bakugou said looking towards his teacher smirking.

Tatsumaki POV:

'I knew it, he is planning something.' I thought as I was glaring at him which he didn't seem to notice because I was behind him."Don't lump me in with this bunch of losers"Bakugou said.'He is smiling creepy again, is he not?' 

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