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[the hunger games series: catching fire]➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶

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[the hunger games series: catching fire]

Katniss ended up climbing up one of the trees to get a better look at what was happening on the ground. Finnick and Peeta were on the ground, trying to ask Katniss about what the plan was. Apparently, it was just assumed that she would be leading them, which Cameron didn't mind. "You don't want to bring them along, do you?" Mitchell asked Cameron, looking toward the two newest members of their group.

        "No," Cameron said simply. "There's eight of us now, too many people."

        "Trust me, I know," Mitchell replied. "We can just ditch them later, Cam, it isn't that big of a deal."

        Cameron dug her foot into the ground, "I don't trust them," she hissed. "They weren't a part of the original alliance. I don't know anything about them. They're wildcards and that's dangerous," she admitted. She hated to admit it, but she was feeling comfortable with the group that they had established. She didn't like these new people coming in and possibly messing things up for them. For every one that Haymitch picked out in his little group.

        "I don't trust them either," Mitchell whispered.

        Cameron looked around, she knew that the camera was gonna be watching them. She got as close to Mitchell as she could, making sure no one else could hear them. "Then why are they still here?"

        Mitchell sighed, "I'll get rid of them," he said slowly.

        "I'll help you," Cameron said quickly. "Plus they seem preoccupied about that whole- tree thing or whatever," she said, looking over at Finnick, Katniss, and Peeta who were on the top of the tree. She picked up her crossbow and placed it at her side.

        Mitchell eyed her weapon closely, "You're not actually gonna use that, are you?" he asked her.

        "Only if they cause problems," Cameron reassured him.

        Mitchell frowned, "That's not promising," he said quickly.

        "Mitch," Cameron started, patting him on the back. "Don't worry about me. Worry about them if they choose to mess with us."

        Mitchell shrugged, "They're not that dangerous."

        "To you," Cameron corrected him. "Do you want me to go on that whole spiel again about how they're wildcards and nobody trusts them?"

        "No, I think I got the gist, thanks," Mitchell said slowly. "It's not like they're gonna kill us, right?"

        "Right," Cameron said definitively. "You two," Cameron called, looking at the two newest 'members' of the group. "You've overstayed your welcome."

        Oliver turned around, narrowing his eyebrows, "And what exactly do you mean by that?" he questioned, taking a small step toward the pair.

        Cameron scoffed, "Exactly what I said, you are not welcome here. How clear do I have to make it?" she whispered to Mitchell.

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