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Reader of Souls

Soulseer squinted down at the artifact, reading the sand falling from side to side. Black and white. Is everything shown in this black and white? All the good and bad? She watched the colorful dragon in front of her, restrained by ten burly Nightwings. It was sad really that this was so easy.

The artifact spun for a few more moments, settling sideways with a pile of white roughly the same size as the pile of black.

Soul clicked her tongue in disappointment as she examined the face of the captive dragon. A black muzzle wrapped around his snout to prevent the death from within. White with pain and red with anger, swirling between the two as he glared up at Soul. hatred. Yes, she could work with that.

The reader stayed at the steady half and half, a concerning outcome. True neutrality was hard to punish when it wasn't one of her own soldiers. Soul sighed at the sand and glanced back down at the true neutral soldier before her. What punishment would suit this balance? What would a being of entirely selfish goals consider of the absolute agonies?

The Rainwing had fought long and hard to get to her, fangs tipped with venom, and claws ready to kill for all he believed in. Soul had a hard time understanding soldiers such as him. Ones so dedicated to a task that their levels of good and evil were completely equal.

Soulseer sort of wanted to, he could be useful, but she couldn't just ignore his sins.

She swept one arm toward the colorful dragon, a queenly gesture that he should recognize. "Take him to the chambers of the lost," she commanded the guards. "He'll learn his agonies." three of the guards pulled the Rainwing away from her presence, towing him down the hall for his redemption.

She turned away from the remaining seven guards. "When he breaks, send him to Orca for readjustment." They knew the dismissal well, and she heard the clamoring of claws and beating of wings as they slowly vacated the premise. With the gift of strength, she had no worries about more assassins, at least as long as there were no strange surprises. 

Wings of Evolution (WoF AU)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα