CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE || missing evidence

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CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE, missing evidence


THE NEXT MORNING, Sharon was leading them through storage units. All of the different colors and slightly different sizes. Ivanna inspected each of them as she walked between Sam and Bucky. Sharon leads and Zemo follows behind.

"Madripoor could give New York a run for its money," Sam spoke up, Sharon paying no mind and watching her phone screen while she turned.

"They know how to party," Zemo agreed with a satisfied hum.

"With that bounty on your head," Sharon grabbed their attention without bothering to look at them, "the longer you're in Madripoor, the less likely you're ever leaving."

Ivanna looked around them while they came to a slow stop. Sharon lowered her phone and sighed, facing the group, "Alright, he's in there. Container four-two-six-one. I'll keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagel, but hurry. We're on borrowed time."

Sharon held out five earpieces, the three men and Ivanna grabbing one and leaving the remaining piece for Sharon. Ivanna smiled gratefully while inserting her earpiece, and Sharon nodded before walking away. Sam led them to the container, Ivanna stealing one last look in Sharon's direction before walking toward the container after the three men. Sam opened the door, looking inside before glancing around them.

"Hey Sharon, you sure this is the right one?" Sam questioned, "It's empty."

"Positive, It has to be," Sharon's voice met their ears as Sam took a cautious step inside. Zemo pulled out a flashlight, walking further in while Bucky remained by the door. Ivanna and Sam watched as he inspected a wall, and then pushed. Soft music began playing and he quickly looked back at the three behind him.

Ivanna nodded and Sam gestured for Bucky, who reluctantly stepped in and grabbed his gun from his hip. Ivanna and Sam did the same. Zemo stepped back, letting Sam, Bucky, and Ivanna go in before him since they had weapons. The music grew louder and Zemo clicked his flashlight off. The group separated to check the container, and Ivanna and Sam found a man. They shared a look and approached him on opposite sides.

The music turned off and the man turned around, jumping at the sight of Sam, "Dr. Nagel?"

"Who are you? What do you want?" The doctor answered.

Sam's weapon slowly lowered, Ivanna's doing the same, while he watched the doctor, "We know you created the super-soldier serum."

"Get out of my lab," Nagel answered, taking rushed steps toward Sam, faltering at the sight of Ivanna, and then Bucky a few feet behind her.

"Hey," Sam interrupted the doctor's thoughts, "You know who he is, right? This is Baron Zemo, I know you've heard of him too, right? And this, this is Black Widow. I'm certain you've heard of her as well."

The doctor looked cautiously at the three people staring at him. Sam stood behind Nagel keeping close to him before grabbing his coat and leading him away, "You seem like a pretty smart guy. So you better become conversational real quick."

Sam pushed the doctor toward a wall, Ivanna staying on his right while Zemo stood behind them. The doctor grew braver, looking at Sam directly, "How about a counter proposal? Make me a better offer and I'll talk."

"Guys," Sharon's voice caused Ivanna to side-eye Sam, "we have company."

Ivanna glanced back at the doctor, standing straighter and tucking her gun away. She gently pushed Sam aside and turned sideways, jerking her chin toward Bucky. Bucky moved forward, grabbing the doctor and forcefully guiding him to a chair.

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