CHAPTER NINE || no resistence

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CHAPTER NINE, no resistance


IVANNA SPUN AROUND the small room making sure that nothing would be caught as Melina began opening the vent. Melina opened the vent cover and began to crawl through, leaving Ivanna to follow after her soon after. The two women shimmied through until Melina was able to open another vent cover.

Ivanna waited behind while Melina crawled out and swept her leg through a guard's legs. Ivanna followed after, grabbing a guard's leg and listening to him scream in pain as she electrocuted him. Ivanna pushed herself out of the vent and rolled on the ground, kicking a guard down and jumping to her feet.

The two women fought the guards until they both had guns and were on a catwalk in the middle of the jet. Guards were charging at the women and demanding that they drop their weapons, and Melina was surveying the area around them. Guards kept demanding that Melina and Ivanna dropped their weapons when Melina finally nodded.

"That's exactly what I was thinking," Melina shot toward the ceiling, where the engine was, and then dropped her gun. Ivanna made her shot as well and quickly emptied the bullets of the gun before throwing it at the heads of guards blocking her and Melina.

"Shit," Ivanna mumbled as more guards made their way into the pit, only to see what was happening and scramble out of the room.

"Yelena, slight change of plan," Melina spoke as she and Ivanna started walking along the catwalk and I completely demolished one of the engines and we are going into a controlled crash."

Ivanna rolled her eyes as she waited for Melina to finish talking to Yelena, they needed to get out.

"No," Melina spoke suddenly, the men on the ground were coughing and groaning as debris fell on them, "We have to go."

Melina and Ivanna ran as fast as they could back to the room where the women had left Alexei. Ivanna froze instantly at the sight of the man struggling with the suited figure. Melina disappeared, only to show up once more a few moments later. Melina threw her body onto the suited soldier and threw them into a cell. Alexei quickly locked it and Melina landed on the ground.

"We need to get out of here," Ivanna interrupted the two as they started talking to each other, "at least you. I need Nat."

Alexei tried to stop Ivanna, but she took off through the corridors in search of her sisters.

After a while, Ivanna ran into Yelena. The blonde held vials with the red inside of them. Ivanna's blue eyes widened at the sight of Yelena,

"Vanna," Yelena breathed quickly.

"Natasha, we need to go," Ivanna instructed and the two blonde women took off with one another.

They reached Dreykov's office, only to find Natasha to be struggling against the widows. Ivanna's hand flew to her forehead as she spotted the scene in front of her. Natasha had taken a beating, much worse than Ivanna ever thought imaginable.

Ivanna grabbed a loose baton from the ground and started swinging, using her hands to physically electrocute the widows as well.

"Yelena!" Ivanna shouted in Yelena's direction, "The vials!"

Yelena nodded and threw the vials to Natasha, and when the vials reached her hands Natasha busted the collection of vials. Ivanna watched a red cloud fill the air, falling onto the widows attacking her, Yelena, and Natasha. The girls released their hold from Yelena, Ivanna, and Natasha, giving the three women the chance to get to one another.

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