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IVANNA GROANED AS she climbed back to her feet, eyes darting in every direction. She could see Wanda on the ground, tears forming in the younger woman's eyes. She could hear Thanos' voice but couldn't register his words as she leaned against a tree. Inhaling deeply and shaking her head, Ivanna watched as Thanos approached Vision. Wanda's scream filled her ears, and then she saw the redhead flying backward and to the ground.

Ivanna's eyes landed on Steve, who was still lying on the ground after the hit to the head he took. She began inching toward him, concerned as to if he was okay or not. Until she saw exactly what Thanos was doing. Reversing time. She thought she was going crazy, or maybe even having a dream of sorts, as she watched Vision appear in front of the titan as if nothing was wrong. As if he hadn't just died at the hands of the woman who loved him most.

Ivanna could hear Wanda's ANGUISH and watched in disbelief as Vision's body was lifted up and dropped to the ground once more, Thanos having the stone. Ivanna heard a groan pass through Steve's lips and nodded putting her focus now on Wanda. She ran toward the younger avenger and smiled softly at her, resting a hand on her shoulder. Wanda was too good at hiding her emotions, which led to Ivanna furrowing her brows.

"You okay?" Ivanna asked softly.

Wanda never responded, seeing Vision's body on the ground: lifeless and drained of all its original color. Ivanna frowned at the synthezoid's body and wished that they could've helped Wanda and Vision sooner. She was distracted however by a beam of light directed at Thanos, which the titan fought off.

Ivanna watched in disbelief as Thor's axe slammed into Thanos' chest, and none other than Thor himself dropped onto the ground in front of him. Thor's eyes were filled with rage and Ivanna gasped when she peeked into his mind.

Thor approached Thanos and placed his hand on the back of the titan's neck. Ivanna winced as Thor shoved the axe deeper and Thanos shouted in pain. Ivanna could tell that this move had done no justice, as Thanos muttered something more to Thor and then raised his hand, snapping his fingers with the gauntlet and Thor shouting in response.

A flash of color filled Ivanna's sight and she turned away, only looking back when Thor's shouting filled her ears. Ivanna glanced in Steve's direction, climbing to her feet and rushing to him to help him up.

"Where'd he go?" He asked her, she shook her head and Steve focused on Thor, "Thor, where'd he go?"

Ivanna felt a hand on her back and knew it was Steve's, as she noticed the look he gave her when the hand appeared. Ivanna continued to stand by Steve's side, listening as he questioned Thor and looked around the forest.

Steve turned to Ivanna, his heart racing as he caught his breath and intending to ask if she was alright. Only to see her staring at her hands in disbelief.

"Vanna-" Steve stepped forward and she turned to face him. Ivanna smiled at the simple thought going through his mind, the one she always wanted to hear, then disappeared into a cloud of dust right before his eyes, "Ivanna!"

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Natasha rushed to her feet as the rocks holding her down disappeared and ran in the direction of where she knew Steve and Ivanna would be. She found Steve sitting next to a body and her worry grew, only to discover it as Vision's did she calm more. Natasha glanced in every direction,

"Where's Ivanna?" She asked softly.

Steve looked up at her sadly, shaking his head and turning his attention back to Vision's body as he slumped further to the ground. The realization hit Natasha.

Ivanna was gone.

And they had lost.

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