CHAPTER FOURTEEN || god of thunder

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN, god of thunder


IVANNA AND NATASHA walked alongside each other as the group of people taking part in the fight made their way outside. Natasha was still sorting the best from Yelena, as she had been. And the bracelet was secured around Ivanna's wrist, like usual. Ivanna had pulled her hair into a braid going down her back and had received a new set of weapons from T'Challa. Steve had been given his new shield and was currently with T'Challa.

Natasha walked toward a carrier and climbed on, Ivanna following suit, Steve and T'Challa joining soon after with Bucky as well. Ivanna studied the new shield Steve had, it was different than what she had grown accustomed to over the past few years of fighting alongside him. But of course, with Tony the way he was, Steve had given it up for Bucky and his friends. The carrier the group was on rose into the air, and soon the others with guards did as well.

"How we looking, Bruce?" Natasha asked Bruce over the comm.

Bruce had been put into a hulk-buster, as further explained he had been having struggles getting Hulk to join the battle. He was running alongside behind them, while Rhodey and Sam flew, "Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it. Wow! It's like being the Hulk without actually- " Ivanna heard Bruce grunt and turned back to see that he had stumbled on a rock and went crashing to the ground, "I'm okay. I'm okay."

"We got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line," Sam informed the group from his place on the sky.

The carriers came to a stop at the battlefield, while a man with a group of guards was raising a war cry. M'Baku. During the time Ivanna and Steve had spent in Wakanda, she learned a lot about T'Challa's home; from T'Challa himself. And she loved every moment of it. He explained the different tribes and families, how the kingdom ran, and she enjoyed listening to him.

M'Baku's war cries came to a stop as T'Challa descended from the carrier that he was on, and walked toward M'Baku. Ivanna made her way off of the carrier alongside Steve and Natasha. Letting T'Challa interact with M'Baku before he approached the trio.

The four walked toward the edge of the barrier, Natasha taking in the Chitari alien before noticing that she was alone. Ivanna took this in and grinned as well, but let Natasha handle this.

"Where's your other friend?"

"You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone," the alien hissed in response.

"I doubt that," Ivanna countered.

"You are in Wakanda now," T'Challa spoke up, "Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."

"We...Have blood to spare," the alien raised her arm with a cry, causing large ships to emerge from the Forrest behind her. This fight was going to happen no matter what.

T'Challa, Ivanna, Steve, and Natasha returned to the front line, taking their places beside Bucky. He had been given a gun for his part of the fight, but it was evident that he would be capable enough to use it,

"Did they surrender?" He questioned.

Steve sighed, shaking his head, "Not exactly."

T'Challa began leading the Wakandans in a war cry, the natives to the land chanting "Yibambe!" and telling them to hold the Outriders bound toward the barriers.

The lead Alien was ready to fight, even if that mean sacrificing each of her soldiers,

"What the hell?" Bucky mumbled.

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