ONE || i need you

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CHAPTER ONE, I need you


IVANNA NILOLEAVNA ENTERED the abandoned, run-down building holding her side to help with the blood she was losing after being shot. She was thankful she couldn't feel an ounce of pain in her side as she threw her bag onto the cement ground and peeled the top to her suit off of her body. Ivanna dropped the torn, dark fabric onto the ground and leaned over to inspect her wound. She had received it from Natasha, during the fight, over being on Steve's side. Natasha, however, was the one who helped Ivanna escape, explaining how Ivanna was never her target after all. Ivanna appreciated the help and was promised to have someone helping her get out of Saxony coming her way eventually.

Ivanna inspected the bullet wound on her side, tucking the tank-top she still had on under her bra. She grimaced at the sight of her wound, then stooped down to her bag to start gathering materials to clean up the wound. After stitching and patching up the hole and scrape on her side, Ivanna threw the medical materials into the black bag. Ivanna finally scanned the building she was in, finding metal stairs outside of the window that led to the roof. A few thoughts crossed through her mind at that moment, if she had help coming her way it was least likely that they would be by foot or car, but by a jet.

Ivanna settled on the metal stairs being her best way out of the building and pulled her tank-top out from underneath her bra. She frowned at the blood on it and crouched down to her bag, finding a grey tank-top and jeans. Nodding with a smirk, Ivanna pulled them out and removed the pants to her catsuit. Ivanna pulled her jeans up and buttoned them, then peeled off her tank-top and pulled the grey one on. Ivanna sighed as she put her ruined suit into the bag, then dug for something to tie her blonde hair back. Finding a tie, Ivanna pulled her hair back into a dutch braid and then closed her bag. To finish everything off, Ivanna put her boots back on and situated everything she had with her.

Slinging the bag over her shoulder, Ivanna paced toward the window with her eyes glued to the flight of stairs outside of it. Ivanna ensured her bag was secure and then jumped out of the window, gripping tightly to the stair railings and then landing her feet firmly on a step. Gaining her balance on the rickety stairs, Ivanna began climbing them to the roof. She remained as crouched as she could, not wanting to risk being caught by someone that could lead to her being arrested.

Ivanna set foot on the roof and glanced around, still no sight of anyone who could be of help to her. Suddenly, she heard a familiar engine running and glanced around. Ivanna gave a knowing glance to the jet lowering down beside her. It was, after all, the one that Natasha had electrocuted T'Challa over to make sure Steve and Bucky got on and left in. It was after that moment that Natasha helped Ivanna leave, and then Natasha disappeared herself. The jet landed and the door was pulled open, Ivanna seeing a familiar form. Steve Rogers stepped forward as far as possible and held his hand out toward Ivanna,

"Steve," Ivanna grinned at the familiar face. A sense of calm and peace came over her at the sight of Steve, "what are you doing here?"

"It's a long story," Steve said, returning Ivanna's soft smile and letting her throw the bag she had in his direction. Steve took the bag and set it beside the door, then gripped Ivanna's hand to pull her into the jet. Ivanna noticed the cuts and scrapes, as well as bruises forming, that were littered all across Steve's face. Steve smile again at the familiar face, then pulled back to shut the door, "but we need your help first."

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