CHAPTER TWELVE || all hands on deck

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CHAPTER TWELVE, all hands on deck


THE JET LOWERED to the ground slowly, and Ivanna helped Vision to his feet. Sam came to Vision's side to help Vision walk toward the headquarters. They stepped off the jet and Ivanna stared at the Avengers Tower in front of her, relief and anger coming to her from the memories in the compound.

"Let's get you inside," Ivanna turned her attention to Vision beside her with a small smile, he nodded in response and they started moving inside.

When they stepped in, Ivanna took in how much hadn't changed. The compound was still just the same as it had been the day she left after the Accords argument. It brought Ivanna comfort to set foot inside the compound once again.

As Steve led the group toward the main room, Ivanna could hear the sound of Rhodey's voice, as well as another. For a moment she expected it to be Tony until she got closer and could hear the voice clearer: Secretary Ross.

"I remember your signature on those papers, Colonel," Ross was saying as the group moved down the corridor that led them to where Rhodey's voice was coming from.

"That's right," Rhodey nodded but paid no mind to the group entering the room, "and I'm pretty sure I've paid for that."

"Do you have second thoughts?" Ross countered.

"Not anymore," Rhodey concluded and finally turned his attention to the small team gathered in the doorway. He had a kind smile on his face while Ross turned in their direction.

"Mr. Secretary," Steve greeted Ross cooly, looking at him in annoyance as the holographic secretary walked in Steve's direction.

"You've got some nerve, I'll give you that," Ross nodded and surveyed the group.

Sam remained silent as Ivanna left Vision's side and stepped forward.

"You could use some of that now," Natasha spoke, causing Ivanna to side-glance in her direction.

"The worlds on fire," Ross glared at Natasha and Ivanna, then back to Steve, "and you think that all is forgiven?"

"We don't need your forgiveness," Ivanna informed the man, "but, I guess that means we could always leave you to deal with whatever is out of your power on your own."

"My forgiveness is something you'll never get, Agent Niloleavna," Ross' gaze grew cold as Steve spoke up.

"I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way..." Steve trailed off slightly, but remained confident, "We'll fight you, too."

Ross spun around to Rhodey, "Arrest them."

"All over it," Rhodey waved his hand, then shut off the holograph, "That's a court martial. Great to see you, Cap."

Rhodey and Steve shook hands, while Ivanna smiled and stepped off of the stairs, her and Rhodey sharing an embrace.

"You too, Rhodey," Steve responded.

Rhodey pulled away from Ivanna and hugged Natasha, then scanned over the group, "Well. You guys, really look like crap. Must've been a rough couple of years."

Sam chuckled, "Yeah, well, the hotels weren't exactly five stars."

Ivanna grinned only for their conversation to be interrupted by Bruce's voice.

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