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I headed back downstairs and sat back on Glenda's lap as I started drawing. I blocked out the sound around the room while I allowed my mind to wander and my hand to draw what it wanted. I felt a tap so I looked to where I felt it and saw Glenda looking at my drawing.

"What are you drawing?" Glenda asked.

I looked down at my drawing and focused on it, it was a drawing of the three people we killed today with cops surrounding the room taking pictures, but on the stove, it read as 7:09. "Apparently the cops will be at their house at 7:09, don't know when though" I said, "man I haven't done that in a while."

"What did you do?" Glenda asked.

"I used to draw a lot growing up, I have a tendency to draw a picture of the future, but I never know when it's going to happen until it does happen. I used to do it up until I graduated, but I have been trying to draw more recently" I said.

"How is that possible?" Amy asked.

"I don't know, it's something that I have been able to do for as long as I can remember but when I was younger I didn't think anything of it. Now I know how to get the drawing down, I can't help what I draw but I find if I think about someone then they'll show up not all the time now but I have got it to the point that I can narrow it down to something to help me, but sometimes it would give me something that there's nothing I can do" I explained.

"Why didn't I know you could do this?" Glenda asked.

"No one really knows, the only people I've ever told were Chucky, Junior, and Jake," I said with a shrug, "and what I ended up drawing the last five years didn't really have an influence big enough in my life to share, I can show you the drawing later if you want," I said.

"Can we see them?" Carley asked.

"Okay," I said, standing up and going up to our room and grabbing my 'seer' book where I put all of the drawings of the future into one book before heading downstairs. "These are everything I've drawn in the last twelve years," I said, putting the book down.

"I can cast it to the tv so it's easier for everyone to see," Jesse said, I nodded and allowed him to pair his phone up and he took pictures of each page which took a while.

"You showed up a lot in the drawings" I whispered to Glenda.

"Would you like to explain?" Glenda asked.

"About two months into our friendship, I started to get feelings, so I focused on you while keeping my hand to allow it to do its thing, I drew our first date" I whispered and gave her a kiss.

"What are we going to do with the fact that they know where you live?" Tiff asked.

"Jake is going to keep her away, but there's no doubt that she'll see us at the school," I said.

"Hopefully he does, but she may try to corner any of you," Charles said.

"If we need to, we can bring the principal in and see if she can get through to her because she is borderline harassing us," I said.

"She's starting to get on my nerves," Glenda said.

"Mine too mi amor, but I need her for Jake," I said.

"Have the construction people gotten back to you?" Charles asked.

"Not yet, but I am expecting an email from at least one of them tomorrow, if not all three," I said.

"And done," Jesse said, he sat back down on the couch between Amy and Aurthur, he somehow got his phone connected to the tv and it slowly went through the picture starting from when I was 8. I had the date it was drawn and the date it came true because I wanted to see if I could find an average between them.

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