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I snuck out of chemistry when the teacher was gone, I grabbed my bag, and left the school, I put Chucky in the passenger seat and headed home. I sped home to avoid Rachel from following me, I parked the car in the garage next to Tiffany's so they could change it back. I entered the house and placed Chucky down, Glenda came over and gave me a kiss "welcome home Doll" Glenda said when she pulled back.

"Why are you home early?" Tiffany asked.

"School was boring so I left when the teacher left the room," I said, Glenda grabbed my hand and brought me into the living room, she sat down before pulling me onto her lap. Tiffany came in and sat next to Charles, Chucky sat next to Tiff, and Glen sat in the chair.

"Do you think you'll go to school tomorrow?" Glen asked.

"Probably not, I can't deal with the teachers and I don't want to deal with Rachel," I said.

"Then maybe we can spend the morning training," Glenda said.

"Yeah, but I'll need to go to the school and unregister," I said.

"You can do that after," Glenda said.

"Okay," I said.

"So when do you plan to do your hair?" Tiff asked.

"Tomorrow after I leave the school, as Glenda and I have a meeting at the school for Carley," I said.

"Why?" Tiffany asked.

"She punched a boy in the nose," I said.

"Are you gonna punish her?" Glen asked.

"Nope he deserved it, though we did talk to her about punching people," Glenda said.

"No trouble knowing that you are fathers daughter," Tiffany said, shaking her head.

"Why?" Glenda asked.

"Because both you and Maya have a tendency to choose violence for any altercation and he refuses to understand why it's not allowed," Tiffany said.

"I understand but they usually deserve it," Charles said.

"And we told her that she can't go around hitting random people, though she did hit another parent at the park on Saturday," I said.

"What happened?" Glenda asked.

"This parent was going off saying how immoral we are for being married and adopting Carley, saying how her parents shouldn't have let sinners adopt her. After a few more words were exchanged, Carley came over and hit her saying how her parents wouldn't want her to be adopted by an imbecile, she then left and I reminded her she wasn't supposed to hit people and then she ran off to play some more" I said.

"Shall we see what Rachel is up to?" Tiffany asked, I nodded and grabbed my computer hooking it up to the tv when the kids came in, Lucy and Amanda ran up and gave me a hug after they put Chucky down.

"I'm glad you're okay," Amanda said when they pulled back.

"I'm okay, though not a fan of being a teenager again, but tomorrow I'm going back to my old look," I said, they nodded and went to the couch and they sat down. "I'm gonna be in the kitchen if you need me," I said, Chucky nodded and I left the living room as they watched the cameras. I put the ground meat in the pan and started cooking it when my phone rang, so I picked it up.

"Hey Maya," Jake said.

"Hey Jake, what's you doing?" I asked as I turned the heat down and sat at the bar.

"Not much, Devon and I just got to our new place, Devon's body turned out to be some rich guy from France, so we bought a small cottage in the woods," Jake said.

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