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After school was over, I grabbed the assignment that the grade nines passed in, and my grade sevens test, and put them in my bag before I locked the door and left the building. Glenda came and picked me up, I got in the car and gave her a kiss "hey how was your day?" Glenda asked as she started driving.

"It was good, I put the cameras in Rachel's room with some of the objects she'll have on her at all times," I said.

"What subject are you teaching?" Glenda asked.

"History, so glad that it's not math," I said.

"That's good, so do you have anything to do tonight?" Glenda asked.

"Yeah, my grade nines passed in an assignment, and my grade sevens had a test," I said.

"Rough" Glenda said as she pulled into the house. "Do you have any of the kids in your class?" Glenda asked.

"Yeah I have Aurthur in my second-period grade eight class and I have Jesse in my grade nine fourth-period class," I said as we headed inside. Tiffany, Charles, Tiff, Chucky, and Glen were in the living room.

"We may need more furniture," Glenda said, as we went in and Glenda sat next to Glen.

"Yeah, at least two more chairs," I said as I sat on the floor as the door opened and everyone else entered the house. "We need to find a way to break Rachel's glasses," I said.

"Why?" Charles asked.

"Because there's the camera on her backup glasses as well as her pen and her bag," I said.

"Ah, well we can have Glenda do it," Chucky said.

"Yeah, she's meeting up with Jake at a café at 5 so if we can intercept her before it happens we can see what she sees," I said.

"Perfect, I can create an email and ask to meet up to talk about a kid," Glenda said.

I passed her my computer and she created a new email. She typed on the computer "so kid how was your day?" Chucky asked.

"It was okay, I only teach three classes, and most are towards the end of the chapter that Mr. Henry was teaching them," I said.

"It's going to be weird having you teach us," Jesse said.

"Yeah," Aurthur said.

"But it needs to be done, I know right now that Rachel is planning to try and do what I did to Jake but obviously they don't know that I know. But she will probably lay off on you guys for a little while" I said.

"And sent," Glenda said, "hopefully she gets back to me before 5" I nodded and took the computer back.

"I can't believe that they closed down the high school and merged the middle school and high school," I said.

"Yeah they only did it recently as well like within the last two years," Jesse said.

"Because if not then Jesse you would be in a completely different school than everyone else," I said.

"Then how come you were there when you were 15?" Aurthur asked.

"My parents waited a year to put me in so I was a year behind everyone else my age," I said when I got a notification, so I opened it. "She said that she can do a small meeting with you and the kid," I said looking over at Glenda.

"Okay, I can take Jesse if he's willing to come," Glenda said and looked at Jesse, he nodded, stood up and grabbed Chucky and the three of them left, I hooked the computer up to the tv so everyone could see it.

I went to the kitchen to grab a quick snack as I haven't eaten anything today, I got a granola bar when Chucky came in. "Hey kid I have no idea what you said to Lucy but thank you," Chucky said.

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