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We got in the car with Glenda driving, "so I managed to find Jeff, he and his wife have separated, he has partial custody over Sabrina but he has been arrested a few times for domestic violence against his wife and child" Glenda said.

"What a fucking asshole," I said.

"And I know where he lives, Sabrina is with her mother for the week as he only gets one day with her" Glenda said with a smile.

"Where are we going?" I asked suspiciously.

"To his house to pay him a visit, I put the gloves in the dash," Glenda said.

"Glenda, I can't kill anyone," I said sadly.

"And you won't, but you can fight, it'll help ease the pain a little bit," Glenda said.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," Glenda said and held my hand, it was quiet as she drove to Jeff's house. When she pulled into a back road where she then drove down a driveway to a run-down cabin she parked the car and got out. I got the gloves and gave her a pair, I put them on and went up to the door and twisted the handle and the idiot left it unlocked.

"What an idiot," I said and we went inside, he was passed out on the couch and the smell of alcohol was strong. I shook my head and looked at Glenda, she nodded, letting me wake him up.

I walked over to the couch and dragged him onto the floor by his arm. He jumped up in shock "what the fuck" he screamed as he looked around in a daze before his eyes settle on me. "Why the hell are you here?" He screamed.

"My wife wasn't too happy when I told her what you said, so we decided to come and pay you a visit" I sneered. He ran at me sloppily as he was still drunk. I rolled my eyes as he went to punch me but I easily dodged, but he did manage to scratch my face and punched him in the ribs, I heard a crack and he screamed out. He backed up holding his side and looked scared. "What's wrong, never had a girl fight back?" I taunted.

"I'll report you for breaking and entering" he screamed.

"You won't if you aren't alive," I said with a smile as I rushed at him, he tried to kick me, but I grabbed onto his leg, shoving my elbow down until I felt a snap, I pushed him backwards causing him to lose his balance. He fell on his back I allowed Glenda to move in as if I were to continue on then I would kill him, but I stood close that I was able to see the fear in his eyes as he saw Glenda take out a knife, I tried to crawl away but he didn't get far as I stood on his broken leg causing him to scream out and allowing Glenda to stab him multiple times until he was finally quiet. I got a rag and cleaned underneath his fingernails as he was able to scratch me and I don't want my DNA on a victim.

"Good thinking," Glenda said when I finished. She walked over to me and kissed me, "man you are amazing" Glenda said when she pulled back.

"Thanks for this, it helped. Now how about we go for a walk?" I suggested as we left the cabin. We got in the car and I threw the rag in the back "I'll burn that later" I said.

"What trail should we walk?" Glenda asked as she started driving.

"I don't care, I just want to spend time with you alone," I said.

"Okay," Glenda said and then it was quiet besides the soft music.

We pulled into a park that I recognized as the spot Junior and I had our first date, I sat there frozen. I could hear someone speaking but it was almost like my head was underwater and I couldn't hear them clearly. I felt a sting on my cheek which finally snapped me out of it, I looked over at Glenda "what was that for?" I asked.

"You kind of went all weird, is everything okay?" Glenda asked.

"Um, it's fine. Sorry about that it's just that this is where um Junior and I had our first date" I said.

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