~*Chapter 9*~

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*Louis' POV*
When I go in Harry's home, (AN-SORRY HAD TO) Zayn and Liam are watching movies. Well it's now or never.

"Here you arse." I say giving him a hundred. Zayn and Liam look at each other and go into a fit of laughter, making Harry and I look at each other in confusion.

"We're a good team." Zayn says kissing Liam. "Well duh." Liam says laying back against Zayn.

"Ok, did we miss something?" Harry ask pulling me into his lap.

"Ok, you all can't get mad, and Zayn when Louis tries to kill me you have to protect me," Liam says.

"I'll do you better baby. Harry he's your responsibility now. He hurts my Liam and I hurt both you." Zayn says making Harry put a protective arm around me.

"Ok well yesterday after Zayn and I got together, I told him about the bet.
Zayn said Harry had ask him if it was to soon to ask you to be official. Zayn came up with a plan to sorta con you. Zayn talked Harry into going through with it and not chickening out, and I made you do the bet again just the rolls reversed. But thanks for the hundred dollars back,"Liam says with wink.

I try to tackle him but Harry catches me and Zayn pulls Liam in to his side. "Lou babe you have to admit it was clever and funny,"Harry says.

"Yeah, if we would have done it to them. But not them doing it to us." I tell them making, Liam and Zayn laugh. "Baby we'll figure something out, we'll get them." Harry whispers in my ear, pulling me against his chest. Making me smile and nod.

"What'd we have here?" Niall and Josh ask coming home from work. "Well two things happened. These two are together and in the process of that happening I got my hundred dollars back." Liam laughs giving Zayn a high five.

"Niall it's really not that funny." I tell him after Liam and Zayn explain everything. "Sorry mate it is. Because you always act like big bad Louis. So not just because I love him but I have to side with Niall." Josh laughs kissing Niall.

"Haz we got groceries ya wanna cook us dinner?" Josh ask him and Niall both giving puppy dog faces. "Dear gosh you all are over grown kids. You all would starve without me." He says rolling his eyes.

"What'd you get?" He ask "Stuff for spaghetti ok, Lou come help me." He says "I gotta plan." He whispers making me smirk. "Ok baby let's go." I tell him reaching my hand out.

"Ok what's the plan?" I ask when we get away from the boys. "See if we have sriracha sauce." He says with a smirks. "You look so sweet never thought you'd do something like this." I tell him giving him the sauce. "Oh you have a lot to learn. I can be bad." He says with smirk. "Oh shut up and cook and I'm gonna make them regular spaghetti but when I give the plates out we'll give them these,"He says.

*Zayn's POV *
"Boys it's ready,"Harry yells. Harry and Louis bring everyone a plate of spaghetti but when I look at mine and Liam's I noticed it looks a tad different.

"Li don't eat yours." I whisper making him look at me confused. "Hey Haz, theirs some wine in the back cabinet. Get it and we'll celebrate your and Lou's relationship." I tell him making him smile and nod. "Lou can you get the glasses in here?" He ask "Coming." Louis says when they go in the kitchen I switch my and Liam's plate with theirs.

"What'd you that for?" He ask "I'll explain later. But as soon as Harry and Louis take a bite grab your plate and run to my room." I tell him I can tell he's still confused. "This looks good Haz thanks,"I tell him. "Yeah thanks." Everyone says. When I see Louis and Harry pick up their forks, I grab Liam's hand under the table. "YOU FOOKING ARSEHOLES!" Harry and Louis shout reaching for their drinks.

"RUN, RUN!" I yell laughing . I lock my door just in time I can still hear Josh and Niall laughing. "Thanks for the spaghetti Haz it really does look good. Yours is the best you don't use to many spices." I holler making Liam laugh.

"How'd you know?" He ask "Ours looked different than Others. But can you spend the night tonight I have a feeling we're stuck in here till morning,"I laugh.

"Hell my parents won't even know I'm gone. And they wouldn't care weather I come back or not." He says with a small frown. Moving the food around on his plate.

"Baby, I'm sorry things are so hard for you at home. But you have me, Josh and Niall. And let's not forget the fire couple,"I joke making him smile.

"Thanks Zayn, let me txt Louis and tell him I'm spending the night. And we can eat and watch movie." He says grabbing his phone. "Oh according to Louis we've declared war." He says making me laugh. "We'll let's eat some of this good spaghetti,"I say with wink.


AN:Please vote and leave some feedback I love to read your comments

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