~*Chapter 7*~

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*Liam's POV*
When my laughing fit calms down I look down and seeing I've landed right on top of Zayn. I mean I knew it was Zayn but it just dawned on me how this looks.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I say as I try and get off him, but he grabs my thigh, locking eyes with me.

"Please don't." He says pulling me toward him. To where I'm sitting on him.

"Ya know Liam what you told me about your mum hitting you made my blood boil." He says his hand still on my thigh.

"Why?" I say wondering if he really cares. "Because nobody should touch this beautiful face. It's absolute perfection." He says bringing his hand to my cheek, and his thumb tracing my bottom lip.

"Liam I was trying to wait but I physically can't. Can I please kiss you?" He ask " Let me put it this way if you don't I might actually shoot you." I say making him laugh before connecting our lips. When our lips connect I feel like I'm on fire. Every nerve in my body is at attention. Our lips move perfectly in sync until I lick his bottom lip.

"So you done with laser tag?" He ask pushing me off getting up, and holding his hand out for me to help me. But I just nod that I'm already. Feeling humiliated. "What'd ya say to some food?" He ask taking his vest off. "Yeah, sounds good." I say as we start to the car trying my best to hold back the tears.

"Ok Li what's wrong you've been quiet since we left laser tag, and you just seem sad. Did I do something?" He ask as we pull up to diner. "No Zayn, can we just go eat?" I ask looking away from him.

"Normally I'd say yes, but why are you suddenly so upset we were having so much fun,"He ask.

"BECAUSE ZAYN YOU DON'T WANT ME EITHER!" I say bawling and running into diner leaving him speechless.

When I hear the bathroom door to the diner open I look up from where I'm sitting on the floor to see Zayn. "Liam I gotta one question why in the fook would you think I don't want you? He ask

"It's alright I don't know why I ever thought I was good enough to land a guy like you. That's not only sexy but sweet,"I tell him. "LIAM GET YOUR FOOKIN ARSE UP!" He yells and I've never heard him yell I assume that's why I listened.

*Zayn's POV*
To be honest right now I don't even know if I'm mad at myself for being an idiot.Or happy that Liam wants me as much I as do him or sad Liam thought he wasn't good enough.

"Why did you think you weren't good enough?" I ask curious. "Well when we were at laser tag and fell in the floor, and I tried to deepen the kiss its like you didn't want that."He tells me tears still falling.

"One reason Liam is because you'd been crying a lot I didn't want you to feel like I was trying to take advantage of you." I tell him wiping his tears with my thumb. "The second reason is I hadn't even ask you to be my boyfriend. Hell we haven't been on an official date. Because I've been too scared to ask you." I tell him grabbing his hands pulling him to me.

"I didn't figure doing this in bathroom but I'll consider laser tag our first date." I tell him taking a deep breath. "Liam will you my boyfriend?" I ask closing my eyes. Suddenly Liam's in my arm his legs around my waist. I laugh and hurry wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Just a guess but I'll take that as a yes?" I ask "That's a hell yes." He says kissing me. This time when I feel his tongue I smile and give him access. We explore every inch of each other mouths. Until the need for air becomes to much making us pull apart. Resting our heads against together.

"Ok, baby you wanna go eat?" I ask kissing his temple putting him down. Lacing our fingers together. "Oh yeah baby please never think your not worthy of me, please." I tell him bringing my hand to his cheek.

"Fook!" Liam says while we're waiting on our food. Im holdings his hand on top of the table. "What wrong baby?" I ask confused. "I owe Louis a hundred dollars, and he's never gonna let me hear the end of this." He says rolling his eyes.

"Ok, did I miss something? What's going on? I'm so fooking confused,"I laugh.

"Well earlier this week he said you'd ask me to be your boyfriend before the end of the week. I told him he was wrong and we bet hundred dollars." He says making me laugh.

"The money I don't care about it's Louis constantly reminding me he was right. He'll still be going on about this fooking next year." He says making me laugh.Well as smart as Louis is I hate to see you getting annoyed ya wanna con him?" I ask

"What'd ya have in mind?" He laughs. "Well when we get done and go back to my house. Act nature tell him he won the bet pay him the hundred and listen to the little shit brag. But what he doesn't know is Harry txt me telling me he was taking Louis out tomorrow, and ask if I thought he should ask him to be his boyfriend,"I say with smirk.

"I haven't responded to Harry yet, but I'll tell him yeah he needs to before it's to late. Now your job might sound a little mean,"I tell him. "But you need to put some doubts in his head,"I tell him . "My boyfriend the con-artist" he laughs. "Hey partners in crime babe." I tell him kissing his hand. "Anyways make the same bet with Louis as before and you'll get your hundred dollars back,"He says with a smirk. "And he won't wanna brag about being right about us because he'll be embarrassed that we tricked him." I tell him his mouth falls open. "What?" I ask "Your sexy, sweet and smart? Hell I hit the fooking jackpot." He says making laugh.


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