Chapter 1

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Lena raised her hand to the bartender as she pounded down an emptied glass upside down on the wooden table. The man flipped a rag over his shoulder and walked to where the brunette was sitting, he grabbed the aged whiskey bottle and poured her another glass. “Rough night?” The bartender tilted his head to the side as he placed his hands against the bar’s edge leaning against them. The brunette looked up, her eyes were red from crying, her face ashen.

“Yeah… you could certainly say that.” She took the glass and tipped it back letting the alcohol slip down her throat. She slammed down the glass again, she reached into her jean pocket and pulled out her money clip. She pulled a twenty from the bundle and threw it on the table, she pushed herself off the stool and walked out through the back entrance before pulling her leather jacket off.

She tilted her head to the side closing her eyes as her beautiful white wings spread from her back and extended out to the side. She gave them a little shake before bending her knees and taking off into the sky, she flew through the sky as she passed through the clouds and reached the huge kingdom that floated in the sky. She tucked her wings back and made her way to the great hall where the high council was held. Her wings dragged behind her as she walked, a sinking feeling was making her stomach turn and twist in a nauseating way.

She placed her hands against the large doors pressing her forehead to the back of them taking a deep breath before pushing the heavy doors open and walking into the great hall. The high council was made of some of the most respected elder angels, they were practically the right hands to the almighty Angel. There was ten of them that stood high above all with podiums in front of them, they were dressed in white and gold robes with the hoods pulled over their heads to cover most of their faces.

Lena walked into the middle of the great hall as she raised her head to the Elders as she tried to hold her head high, but her green eyes were laced with defeat. All at once the council turned the attention to the angel in the middle. “Lena Luthor, you have been summoned here to determine your fate as a guardian. You are charged with the highest of crimes.”

Lena balled her hands into fists at her sides digging her nails into her palms as she tried to hold back her tears. “Elder Alura Danvers, please read the charges.” One for the elders stepped forward and folded her hands in front of her as she stood tall. “Miss Luthor, you have been charged with Neglect in the highest amount, as well as charged with the murder of your charge. Do you have any defence to these crimes?”

The brunette hung her head and fell to her knees as her legs gave out under her. “I accept the punishment for my actions.”

The elder stepped back behind her podium, another elder stepped forward, her presence was beyond intimidating. She was the oldest and most respected of the elders, Diana Prince removed her hood as she loomed over the kneeling angel. Lena couldn’t even look at the elder, Diana was her mentor. She had trained Lena, basically raised her after her parents and brother were killed in the great war. “We will put it to a vote. All those who deem this Angel guilty of the crimes set against her.” All the elders that lined the large circular room raised their hands, one by one sealing the fate of the young angel. Lena could feel hear heart physically breaking in her chest, the tears pouring down her cheeks.

“Guilty.” The word boomed through the great hall nearly knocking the angle back , it echoed in Lena’s head playing over and over like a broken record. Guilty. Diana extended her large wings and jumped from the balcony landing down beside Lena. Her blue eyes were ice as she glared down at the disgraced angel the knelt before her. The brunette lifted her head and met the icy glare with her pained emerald eyes.

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