Chapter16 ||🏰Telmarine Casltle🏰||

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"Susan! Susan! Come over here now" Lucy yelled out to her older sister.
"Lu maybe just let Y/n see you one at a time" Peter tried but it was too late Susan was already standing in front of them.
"I-you're-how-but I-Peter saw you die" she finally gets out "it's been 100 years" she shakes her head in disbelief.
"I think someone's just mad that they could've spent years missing you than years trying to forget who you are" Peter says looking at Susan.
"Really? Susan is that true? How could you" I joke even though I know Peter was being serious.
"But how did you not die?" Lucy asks
"The stars are magical things" I say, I smile when the two girls look confused.
"What's going on? Why are you all over here?...." Edmunds sentence fades as he sees me standing there
"Okay so you all thought I was dead?" I ask them all
"Kind of"
"Basically yeah we all thought you were dead" Peter confirms.
"Well I'm not dead is all that matters now" I say as I hug the girls, I don't think Edmund likes hugs and Peter gets enough hugs.

!Time skip!

Susan, Peter, Edmund, Caspian and myself were all carried in on griffins. Edmund was dropped on the top of a tower with his torch, ready to signal the troops. The rest of us snuck into the castle, taking out guards on the way.
Caspian knocked on a window.
"Professor?" He asked but there was no answer. He pushed open the window and climbed into the room, we all followed his actions. Trumpkin had appeared out of nowhere and was now in the room with us.
"I need to find him" Caspian mumbled as he picked up a pair of glasses
"We don't have time!" Peter whisper yelled "we need to get the gate open".
"You wouldn't be here without him" Caspian looked at Peter and Susan "nor would I".
"We can deal with Miraz" Susan says to me and Peter
"I can still get to the gate house in time" Caspian says before running off out of the room followed by Trumpkin.
We all look at each other knowing that, that was a bad idea.

We all run down the corridors as quietly as possible.
"I don't want do this", we hear from a room close by.
"Come on let's go" Peter says as we go towards the door.
"We don't want you to either" Susan says as she storms into the room with her arrow pointed at the woman.
"This used to be a private room" Miraz rolled his eyes
"What are you doing?" Peter turns to Caspian "you're supposed to be at the gate house!"
"No!" Caspian yells "tonight for once! I want the truth." He points his sword into Miraz more "did you kill my father?"
Miraz mumbles something I can't hear.
"You said your brother died in his sleep" The woman, I assume his wife, lowers her crossbow
"That was.......more or less true" he keeps his focus on Caspian.
"Caspian this won't make things any better" Susan try's but she is ignored.
"We Telmarines were nothing if we had not taken it, your father knew that as well as anyone" Miraz says
"How could you?" The lady asks lowing her weapon almost completely
"For the same reason you would pull that trigger, for our son".
She lifts the crossbow all the way back up and has it pointed at Caspian.
"Stay right there!" Susan warns
"You need to make a choice dear" Miraz says turning his head slightly "do you want our child to be king? Or do you want him to be like Caspian here? Fatherless!"
She screams and pulls the trigger.
"Caspian" Peter says as the arrow hits Caspian shoulder. Miraz has left the room to obviously alert everyone else about us intruders.

All four of us run down to one of the exits but Susan stops so I stop next to her.
"Peter!" She says
"Our troops are just outside come on!" He says as he runs outside.
"Come on Susan let's go!" I say as I run outside.
"Peter! It's too late, we have to call it off" Susan yells to Peter as he try's to open the gate by himself.
"No I can still do this" he says sounding like a child who always wants to be right.
"Peter you can't always win! Just because this was your plan doesn't mean it's your fault if we loose okay!? You need to think about what's best!" I yell at him and he turns to face me, I can tell he's mad and partly at me.
"Y/N! JUST HELP ME! please, all of you" he pleads. We all look at each, roll our eyes then run to help him.
"Your welcome" I say to him as we push the gate open.
"Yeah yeah I know" he nodded slightly.
"Exactly who are you doing this for Peter?" Susan asks but Peter only looked at her.

Telmarine soldiers came running down stairs, swords, axes, crossbows all soughta of weapons. Finally we get the gate open and our troops storm in, killing as many Telmarines as they can.
"For Narnia!" Peter yells as we all run off to join the battle.
I kill, I stab, I shoot spells as much as I can but I know that we won't win this battle, not this time.
Just as I finished off another Telmarine solider, I turned around to be met with one more. I wasn't prepared for him to be standing there so he got the first hit and it was bad, he cut my arm then he got the sword around my throat. I kicked at his shins but it only distracted him for a moment.

"Peter!" My sister Susan yells to me as we fight off Telmarines "where's Y/n? I can't see her" she told me. I looked around for Y/n but Susan was right you couldn't see her
"You don't think she....-
"Don't even think about saying it" I say "see look there she is- No no no no no" I spot her near the walls, she has a sword to her throat. I run in Y/n's direction hoping that she can keep kicking the Telmarines shins for a little longer.
I get to her quickly and stab the Telmarine from behind making him fall to the ground. Y/n stubbles a bit as well but I steady her
"Need some help?" I ask her sarcastically
"I think you know very well I always do" she laughs before becoming serious again and shooting a spell behind my head. I turn to see a solider fall to the ground.
"Thanks" I breath out shocked to see Y/n actually kill someone
"Anytime Pete, anytime".

Peter and I continue to fight but we've separated into different places. I don't know what he's doing or where anyone else is but all I see is a Minotaur fall and all I hear is Peter yell
I look towards the gate and see a Minotaur, the one that was talking to me on the way to Aslans How, holding up the gate. I fight even more, as much as I can, letting all the anger inside of me out.
"Get out!" Peter yells to every Narnian he sees
"Caspian?" I hear Susan yell
"I'll find him!" Peter yells back. "Y/n, what are you still doing here? Get out!" Peter says as he runs up to me
"No, I'm not leaving without you!" I tell him
"Now is not the time to be stubborn, please Y/n I just want you to be safe!" He tells me
"No Peter! I am not leaving without you! If you die I die", he rolls he eyes
"Fine but wait here I'll be right back, I promise" he kisses my cheek before running off to somewhere.

I get people out as much as possible before I hear my name being screamed.
"Y/n!" It was Peter, he was on a horse next to Caspian. I ran up to him and grabbed his outstretched arm that pulled me onto the horse. I wrapped my arms around him.
As we passed the Minotaur that was holding up the gate I thanked him.
Just as we got out of the castle the gate slammed shut on the Minotaur. Peter and I looked back at all the trapped Narnians, those poor poor souls.
"Peter the bridge!"
We both looked ahead to see the bridge rising up, Peter started making the horse go faster, my grip on him tightened. I felt the horse leap and then land.
"It's okay Y/n, Nothings gonna happen to you" Peter reassured me as I leant my head on his shoulder.

Not my friend texting me this while Y/n had a sword to her throat 😭

Anyway, Holy shit, what a long chapter am I right? And a bit interesting too!Pls vote :)-Soph

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Anyway, Holy shit, what a long chapter am I right? And a bit interesting too!
Pls vote :)

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