Chapter24 /🫠5 years later🫠\

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"UGHHHHH" I screamed as I threw my wand across the room.
I had been trying for 5 years now to get to Peter, Aslan had disappeared (again). It was hard having no one to help you, sure Caspian visited you every now and then but he was busy with his royal duties most of the time.
The only good thing that had happened in the past five years was seeing Liliandil again, her and Caspian had gotten married.

I walked over to my desk where all my notes of the spell combinations I had been trying. I opened my window to let some fresh air in but a little more than a breeze came into the room. Wind, sticks, leaves, rocks and flowers all came in through the window, I looked around in shock but I could hardly see, all the leaves were blocking my view.
I don't know what is happening but it's scary, I can't see, I don't have my wand on me, no one lives near me all those type of bad thoughts enter my head. I try to feel around the room for anything but it feels like nothing is there. Nothing. Not one single thing.
Suddenly it feels as if I can't breath like the air has been taken out of my lungs, I close my eyes and just wish that this is all some crazy nightmare. I cough, cry and panic for what feels like months but is really only minutes, I close my eyes again and breath in and out but when I open them again I'm not in Narnia.
I look at my surroundings, there's people everywhere walking on streets, cars driving on roads, my clothes are different than before.
(Your outfit but ofc u choose)

                                                                                                (Your outfit but ofc u choose)

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It's alright Y/n
I hear a voice in my head say but I know it's real.
You're in Peters world now.
His house is the one right across
from where you are standing.
You have done great things for
Narnia, now you can do that here.

I don't know whose voice it is but it's calming and assuring. I cross the road quickly and walk up to what I was told is Peters house. I fiddle with my necklace as I wait for him to open the door and when he does I say.
"High King Peter" with a smirk.
"Y/n" He says in shock but then I immediately think I shouldn't have come. He's probably got a girlfriend or he's married or, or.... anything, anything could've happened in 5 years.
"I'm to late aren't I?" I say as I look up at him.
"What? No! Of course not" he says shaking his head "come in" He says as he takes my hand and pulls me inside. Peter closes the door behind us and we stand in the beginning of his living room.
"Here sit down" he says as he walks towards the couch. I sit down next to him and smile at him. We stay like that, just looking at each other, for a little bit until he puts his hand on my cheek and begins to lean in, I do too.
We get closer and closer until I hear something.
"Oh my god is that a cat?" I say as I leap up from the couch and turn to see the tiniest, cutest, black and white cat ever.
"Awwwwwwww, it's so cutteeeeeee" I say as I pick up the cat. "And soft."
Peter gets up and walks towards me.
"What's it's name?" I ask him
"Her name is Lulu" He smiled at me.
(Okay if that is ur name I am VERY sorry I just couldn't think of any other names.)
"You know I didn't think you liked cats" I laughed as I put lulu down.
"I'm don't. I got her because I thought you would like her."
"But how did-how long ago?"
"A few months ago." He shrugs
"Well I love her, thank you" I say
"More than you love me?" He jokes
"How is that even possible" I roll my eyes then put my lips on his.

!Time skip!

"I wanna show you something" Peter says to me a few hours after us catching each other up on the past 5 years of our lives.
"Okay" I say as he walks me into his kitchen.
"Okay close your eyes" He says to me so I do. "You can open them now" he says after a short amount of time.
"Okay, thanks" I say as I open my eyes.
Peter has opened the kitchen window so you can see out into the garden where beautiful red roses begin to

Oh my god! That's it! It's done! Okay idk if I like the ending so you tell me ur HONEST opinions ab it, thank you.
Pls vote :)

ℬ𝓁𝑜𝓈𝓈𝑜𝓂 (𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now