Chapter14 ||💡Flash Backs💡||

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I walked to the how with some centaurs and Minotaurs but I walked at the back thinking about all different things but the thing that stuck in my mind the most as Susan's horn. Susan's horn was meant to bring her help whenever she blew it but if Caspian blew Will that help still come? And will that help be the Pevensie siblings? Will I get to see Peter again?
"Are you alrigh' there little one?", I look up to see a Minotaur looking down at me
"Oh um yes I'm fine thank you. How are you?" I say trying to sound as casual as possible, I had never talked to a Minotaur before.
"Well I'm doin' quite alrigh' thank you" he says smiling. Well I think it's a smile.

!Time skip!

I had slept well that night, I was in a proper bed with good sheets and good pillows.
I heard everyone that had stayed at the other camp entering the how. I didn't feel like talking, especially not to Caspian he was just another boy that asked a lot of questions. But that was exactly what I didn't need so I snuck past everyone and up onto the roof of the how looking out into the woods.
I felt a figure sit next to me and I wanted to get up and walk away but that would be rude, so I didn't.
"I've been looking for you" Caspian says smiling at me
"Have you now?" I say not looking at him
"Yup". "Why are you up here all alone?"
"I'm not alone, you're here" He's done it again but worst so have I, I've said what I said to Peter that first day we met to Caspian. "Caspian I'm sorry I just need time to myself at the moment, please" I say getting up and walking away
"Y/n wait!" He yells out but I run I'm trying to get to my room before he can catch up to me but running in a dress is hard.
"Y/n wait please" Caspian keeps calling out after me but I don't want to talk and he needs to understand that.

I'm walking out of the stone table room when I see a girl running through the crowd that was gathered in the how, a f/c necklace around her neck and her h/c hair bouncing up and down around her.
"Y/n!" I hear from you ahead and that's when someone runs into my chest and falls to the ground.
"Ar-are you okay?" I ask looking down at the girl who is rubbing her head
"Yes I'm fi-
She stops mouth open, she jumps up and wraps her arms around me
"Peter" she says as she cry's happy tears into my shoulder.
"I-I thought you were dead" I say stroking her head "oh my god Y/n it's you, it's really you".
"I'm *sniff* really sorry I *sniff* left you that night" she says still crying into my shoulder
"Shh shh it's okay, it's all alright" I say trying to make her feel better but that's when I see him. Caspian coming into view
"Y/n..." he just finished saying her name.
He looked at me then looked at Y/n then he stepped back
"I didn't- do you guys-
"Caspian" Y/n says turning around to talk to him "I need to speak to Peter right now"
"Oh, yeah okay" he says then walked away.
"Come one we can talk in my room" she says as she takes my hand in hers.

Y/n closes the door behind me as we go into her room. She sits down on her bed and so do I.
"Peter I just wanted to say I'm really sorry that I left you right there and then without any warning. I'm sorry I didn't come back to see you and I'm really sorry that I-
I couldn't help it. My lips had to touch hers I haven't seen her for more than 7 years she hasn't seen me in more than 100.
(I'm sry Ik how weird that sounds but just ignore it alright, thanks)
My hand is on the back of her neck and hers are on my chest. The kiss felt just as it did the first time but she pulls away first, again.
"Pete I'm sorry It's just I'm about to fall off the edge of the bed" she says laughing
"Ohhhh right, sorry" I say moving back further onto the bed just as she does.

"So I take it you're not mad at me?" I say
"Mad at you!? I thought you died!"
"What?" I say extremely confused
"I saw you die!" Peter exclaim
"What? When?" I ask
"I saw you get stabbed!"
"How? How did you see that?"
"That was the day I went back to my world" he says calmly "just before I was fully in my world again I saw you get stabbed and fall to the ground but that was all I saw".

The memories come back like I'm living in the moment again.
I lye in a pool of my blood waiting until my attacker leaves. I crawl around on the leaves trying to find my wand before I die, blood still pouring out of me. My hands clasp around my wand, I lean up against a tree and rip parts of my dress away. I point my wand at my wound and watch as the vines weave in and out of my skin creating stitches. As I lean against the tree watching the dark patch on my dress grow larger and larger I see a shape, a human, a glowing human.
"Am I dying?" I ask them
"Oh no sweet Y/n you have your whole life ahead of you. You have a wonderful life to live. Never should that be taken from you. My name is Lilliandil, I am going to save you"
(Yes Ik lilliandil probably wasn't alive then but who cares, she's a gorgeous gorgeous girl and is gonna save you)
"Please, thank you, thank you so much. Lilliandil I hope that one day I will get to see you again and thank you even more"
"Sweet Y/n you will always have my guidance to help you I believe one day we will see each other again but now it is time for me to go and for you to continue your journey".
I look down at my dress the wound is gone, the blood stain disappeared, the dress slowly stitching itself back together. The only evidence of the wound ever being there is the ugly scar it left.

FINALLY! Something interesting. What did you guys think ab this chapter bc I love it
Pls vote :)

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