Bonus chapter

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An update from Miss Jay

"Mi trap ketch," I uttered in disbelief as I hit play once again on the video of Chad and Kelz kissing in the parking lot. This is the fifth time I'm replaying the clip and still, my mind struggles to accept it.

To make sure my eyes aren't playing tricks, I zoom closer, checking for clues that I might be seeing wrong. But it's them alright. Unmistakably so.

A feeling of triumph engulfed me and I celebrated with a few fist pumps in the air. Such a remarkable occasion! And I broke out into a song.

"Today mi rise like the sunrise, mi bright and mi upright, no one can bruk mi vibes. And mi no care who waan fight and who waan criticize, I'm on a higher height," I sang the first few lines of Taurus Riley's My Day.

After all, I was on cloud nine for the entire day. Chad and Kelz hug up in di parking lot a kiss.

If I knew my scheming would pay off so well then I would have dumped her ex's flowers in the bin that day and trashed every gift he sent after that. I could have even told the obstacle that she said she wasn't interested in his pursuits had I known my plan would work.

I spent months trying to figure out how to introduce them, knowing that they'd both look at each other and most likely scoff.

He'd think she's too polished for him and she'd think he's too rugged. They wouldn't think about the possibility of more being beneath the surface. But I know them both deeply and a more perfect match couldn't have been written.

They only needed a little push in each other's direction and thankfully fate was on my side. I seized every opportunity I could to talk about her to him, playing up the traits I knew would capture his attention even when he zoned out and completely ignored me.

Then to her, I mentioned him casually without delving too deep. Kelsie has always been an explorer who craves the thrill of a mystery so I knew my best chances were to let his personality unfold before her naturally. All I needed to do was create some intrigue.

But getting them to meet was an uphill climb. I didn't want either of them to realize that I was playing matchmaker. If I forced the situation that's exactly what they would have thought and then they'd both oppose all for the sake of being defiant.

Chad spent his days cooped up in his home office and mostly ventured at nights to chill with his friends or fool around the first airhead that made his cock stand. It bothered me that he jumped from hole to hole like a rabbit without a home when I knew within my heart that he had the potential of being a wonderful husband.

He's far from perfect but I've never heard or seen him disrespect a woman. That comes from his vow to never be like his father. The buck stops at their physical appearance. Their personalities are polar opposites, except for the sweet mouth. They both have a way with words, especially when it comes to women.

I almost gave up when I realized that I'd be leaving the country and still hadn't introduced the two. That Friday his appearance at the office was my doing. However, I was downtrodden when he showed up before getting a shave and haircut and not after like I asked him to.

The look on Kelsie's face dampened my spirit. I knew she paid keen attention to a man's deportment and my hard ears pickney was not looking his best that day. Still, I had one last trick left up my sleeve.

I called that jester Marco and bribed him with some potato pudding, which he loves so much. His only job was to move their hangout to the restaurant Kelsie told me she would be meeting her friends. I didn't tell him why, only that it was extremely important.

If fate was really on my side I knew they would most definitely cross paths, I thought. So imagine my disappointment when neither of them mentioned the other and her damn ex came back into the picture, with his beautiful flowers.

I frowned looking at him. Kelsie could do much better with my Chaunard than that big batty man but at that time I figured it wasn't meant to be.

Yet, while I threw my hands up, fate was still working on uniting them. The second time they crossed paths, or third as I later found out, went smoothly. The twinkle in both their eyes when they looked at each other made me jump for joy.

This match was made in heaven and I would nurture that spark of hope. How? I would drill it in his head that she was off-limits.

My defiant son has always found creative ways of doing the exact opposite of what I tell him to do, especially when I am being too persuasive. So I resorted to reverse psychology. I warned him to avoid her.

I continued speaking highly of her at every chance I got, ensuring that she was etched into his mind. And then I put up a restriction sign over that image by telling him not to pursue her.

Then I prayed about it and left it in God's hands.

Now look at me getting ready for a wedding and preparing for another grand baby.



Author's note

Thank you all so much for your support over the past few weeks. I enjoyed your feedback and reactions very much! I had no idea that the comments would be so festive. Oonu funny bad! 😂😂😂

I love you all!!!

For now, I'll be in the comments and checking out some other books here on this platform. Maybe I'll even start a book two 😉 Who knows?

Till next time, y'all take care! 👋

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