14| Beginning, middle, end

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This Friday is a struggle. It is Miss Jays' last day at the office and I must admit, I'm already missing her.

In addition to that, I'm sleep-deprived and quite annoyed with Steven's incessant attempts at having a conversation about his infidelity. I've been ignoring his calls and texts all day and I hope to put an end to his bothering with two text messages.

"There is nothing that we need to talk about. While your actions truly hurt me, I am relieved that this all happened before you wasted any more of my time. I'm moving on with my life and wish you nothing but the best.

"Don't worry about your little secret 😉 I'll respect your privacy. Just remember that what happens in the dark must come to light so live your truth. Please, DO NOT attempt to contact me after this. Goodbye!"

I block his number after the notification tick turns blue, indicating he had opened the message. He was warned. I told him that his next fuck up would be his last and even then, there's no way I could forgive him for cheating on me. Worse it was with a man. I'm done!

My healing will kickstart with our monthly GNO. A few glasses of wine and time with my friends will help to brighten my mood. With my breakup, Gillian's cheating husband, and Marsha's new beau, tonight should be rather interesting.

Before I can focus on that though, there's Miss Jay's going-away party, which is in full swing when I emerge from my office. Fingerfood, snacks, juice, and cupcakes are laid out on a table in one corner of the main room, which has been transformed from a workspace to a games center.

There's one table for dominoes, another for ludo/ ludi, and a third for cards. Each one is fully occupied. People, like myself, who aren't at one of the tables, are either watching the progress of the games or are standing aside and talking.

Though I'd rather be at home, locked away in the sanctuary of my bedroom, this is for Miss Jay so I'm doing my best to look and feel alive.

Janice from HR offers me a chocolate cupcake when I approach the food table. "You should try one of these," she says, handing me the pastry. "Everyone here seems to love it."

And I understand why. A single bite has me pulling back and taking a second look. The velvety chocolate flavor has a splash of alcohol that is a most scrumptious combination.

I moan as the frenzy of flavors melts on my tongue and brings my taste buds to life. Janice, seemingly pleased by my reaction, hands me another one to try. This time it's a blend of coconut with a hint of coffee and even more alcohol. I swear! This is heavenly!

"Who made these?" I ask.

"A friend of mine. Her business is Sugar n Booze. You should look her up on Instagram," she grins.

"Wow! These are really good. I've never had anything like it before."

"Yeah man! All that moaning sent the message loud and clear. Be sure to support her in the future." Janice has always been the person who supports others, especially when they're building a business from the ground up.

I bid Miss Jay a tearful goodbye and leave the party around 5:30 pm. That's barely enough time to get home and get ready to meet with the girls.

We chose a quiet restaurant on the outskirts of New Kingston that doesn't have a lot of traffic for our meet-up. It's a little-known place, making it perfect for private conversations.

Gillian is the first to speak, telling us about the marriage counseling she has been doing with Ricardo. "Honestly, things right now whole heap better than before. If I never know better I would say him shoulda cheat long time."

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