Chapter 14: Pacifica

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(Pacifica's POV)

Bet you didn't expect to hear from me huh?

I'm just the side character. The damsel in distress. The princess in need of rescuing.

For your information I'm not defenceless. I've already figured out and escaped 4 times from this dungeon.

I just keep getting caught every time.

Wow I need a better strategy.

They put bars on the windows, blocked any other ways out other then the cell door, and put extra guards around here.

Who's they you may ask? HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW?!

Like seriously, so rude. If you're gonna kidnap me from a party at least TELL ME WHY?!

Suddenly there was a knock on the iron door that was one of the ways to exit as the others had been sealed off after attempt 4.

I answered politely as all princesses should.


"Strong language for a princess I see" said a polite male voice who had just entered the cell without my letting them inside first.

The man had purple hair, covered mostly by a bowler hat, and didn't know how to enter a room.

"Did I say you could come in?" I snarled with as much venom I could find.

"This is my dungeon afterall" He replied simply.

"And yet you knocked" I snapped back.

"They told me you were trouble" He said tilting his head towards the other side of the door where the guards that kept watch were eavesdropping.

"Boys if you don't mind: I'd like to have a conversation with the little lady alone" Purple man told the guards.

The guards took the hint and left after closing the door.

"You do realise you just gave me an opportunity to hurt you right?" I told him as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why yes, I'm not an imbecile. Of course though we both know that you won't. I'm pretty important" He told me.

"You're neither pretty nor important"

"Ouch, the princess stings" He said with fake hurt.

"Trust me idiot, when my parents are through with you --- that is if I don't get to you first --- you'll wish you were never born"

"Hah, you don't know who I am do you?"

"Your a son of a b**** that's what you are!"

He laughed. Then held his hand out.

"Name's Tad. Tad Strange-"

"HAHAHAHA! What kind of name is that?! Did your parents hate you or something?!" I mocked him.

"Actually they loved me. Enough to give me a kingdom anyway" He stated in a matter-of-fact voice.

"What?" I said very confused.

"Oh come on Princess. Who did you think kidnapped you? Golf balls? You're in the demon kingdom baby" He said pointing outside the barred window.

"Then you're the...the..." I trailed off still processing.

"The king of demons himself. Now you see, if mommy and daddy go off to try a get you back without any back up from the Pines kingdom. Who is their closest ally, that won't get into a fight they can't win win against us nor ally with us as long as Fordsie is on that throne. And that's why you're here. Any questions princess?"

"Uh..." I was still confused.

"Ok I'll put it simply. Will you marry me?"

"WHAT?! NO! EW! WHY?!"

"Why? Well can't have you marrying the Pines's crown prince now can I? Too risky with that. But if our kingdoms were allied we could build a huge empire better, one that would easily pick off Stanford"


"Ok then" He shrugged and headed to the door.

What the heck?

"Wait!" He stopped. "You aren't going to force me? Threaten me? Just going to leave me?" I asked frantically.

"Oh princess. I don't really care that much. You're not my only option"

"What do you mean?"

He ignored the question and instead said "by the way, your new room will be ready soon. Don't want to spend the rest of your time here in a dungeon. But only if you're good"

He then left without another word leaving me to ponder his words over and over again. Trying to come up with an answer.

'You're not my only option'

(Third POV)

"Look over there! Dark clouds" Dipper pointed to the sky.

"Maybe we should stop and find a place to stay. To be protected by the storm" Will suggested, but his voice was laced with worry.

"But we need to keep going. Besides I thought we had already pasted the storm as it was moving away from the Demon Kingdom" Mabel told them.

"Maybe it's a second wave. Like another storm maybe" Bill shrugged as he sat next to Dipper in the back of the cart.

"Oh come on Bill don't be dumb" Mabel told him.

"Oh come on Mabel don't be mean" Dipper told his sister.

"Thanks Pinetree. And if there is a storm don't worry I'll protect you" Bill said giving Dipper a hug. Bill's been doing that alot recently. Mabel usually glares at him when he does this and this time was no exception.

"Hey thanks Bill" Dipper hugged back.

"Hey there might not be a storm. It just might be dark clouds. It might even pass us" Mabel said glaring at Bill

"Well I am keeping one eye on the sky and it looks about to rain" Dipper informed her.

"Also I kind of tired" Will imputed.

"Ok FINE. We'll stop at the next village for rest" Mabel said reluctantly.

When they got to the next village it started to rain over their heads.

Unfortunately though every inn was booked from travelers seeking shelter.

"What are we gonna do now?" Will complained.

"Hey you dudes need a place to stay?"

Everyone turned to see a big friendly man with a question mark on his clothes.



My 1st Attempt at a Billdip Fanfic (Royal AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz