Chapter 2: The Maid

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(Maid's POV)

I was summoned to the King who I had served for many years. I approached the throne room and entered only to see the King talking to his right hand man who I had also served for a long time.

"You summoned me your Majesty?" I asked.

"Yes Alice I did" said King Stanford. "I was just discussing plans with my  brother"

"I see..." I was still very confused as to why I was summoned and why he called me by my first name.

"Alice... You've been here awhile haven't you? Your close to our niece and nephew right?" The King asked.

I'm still a little confused as the King knows I've been here since long before the last King. I'm a very old maid. My hair is turning grey, my face has wrinkles, just what I need is another kick in the face to remind me that I'm not young and pretty anymore.

And why is he asking about the young highnesses? I decided respond before the silence gets more awkward.

"Why yes I have. And yes I am pretty close to those little darlings. Oh how they grow up so fast. The young miss always so hyper and happy. And the young master so quiet and kind. Ever since their parents, God bless their souls, died I've been caring for them so much that they've become like children to me. Oh how I loved those times where I would play hide and seek, play pretend, and have tea parties with them. Oh I also remember how the little miss would dress up her brother in-"

I stopped as I heard a cough and saw the master Stanley clearly trying to get me to stay on topic.

"So you all are very close. Tell me: do you find they are mature enough?" asked the King

"Why they are about to turn 18. *Sigh* 18 wonderful years with those two  angels. If I had any children of my own, I'd want them to be like those two. Oh why do they have to be growing up so fast. Still I know they like to be children at heart sometimes. But they are mature though I guarantee you. They will make fine rulers of this Kingdom I tell you. Fine rulers."

"Are they mature enough for marriage do you think?" The King asked.

"Why I would say not as they are still young, but I've always seen them as children so maybe you should get another's opinion. Say isn't 18 the minimum age for marriage these days? Does that mean your thinking about-"

"He's not asking you about the age they should marry, he's asking do you think they are ready." Stanley finally spoke, a little irritated I might add, so rude.

"I suppose they might be. Oh how they grow up so-" I stopped as Stanely looked at me annoyed that I keep saying that. "You should ask them first though."

"Yes, yes" the King said, but I don't believe he listened to that last part.
"So you believe they are ready?"

"I suppose so... but-"

"Great, will you fetch them for us?"

"Sure your Majesty, but-"

"Excellent, you are dismissed"

I left the room but paused behind the partly closed door hearing Master Stanley speak: "Are you sure about this. Isn't this forcing it on them. Their still pretty young. I don't think their ready just like I told you before."

"Stanley don't worry they can handle it. I sure and the maid told us the same. They'll be fine."

"Ok you might be right *sigh*"

Then they stopped talking and I left to call the two highnesses to tell them their great uncles requested their presence.



End of Chapter 2

New OC: Alice the maid

See you next chapter you angels

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