Chapter 8: The Ball and Feast

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(Third POV)

Dipper and Mabel made it to the ballroom as the guests had finally arrived to enjoy a evening of dancing and dining.

The twins entered to find guests already dancing as the feast would take place later in the evening.

Mabel nudged him and asked if he wanted to dance with her. Dipper was not paying attention to his sister, he was paying attention to those on the dance floor...

Only men and women were dancing with eachother tonight. Guess it's hard to get rid of traditions put on by society.

Mabel nudged her brother again.

"Hey bro, what are you thinking about?"

Dipper's focus went back to his sister. He didn't know why but he decided to lie.

"Oh! I-I was um..." Dipper panicked then saw something to say "looking at that women's hideous dress" he said pointing to a middle aged women in an awful, too revealing, extremely pinky, flower patterned dress.

"Yeah, guess that dress is pretty disgusting. What about that guy's outfit. It has too much fur. Did he kill an entire forest of animals just to get that  combination of different animal furs that don't go together" Mabel pointed to a middle aged man dressed up.

"Ugh. What about that man there even a miracle wouldn't save that outfit"

"What about that women in the middle"

"Well with the right accessories that outfit might not have been that terrible"

Dipper and Mabel continued in their game of 'Who here is dressed the worst'.

"Wow. Why can't these people dress better? Even the townspeople are able dress better than that. At least townspeople try" Dipper complained.

"What are you two talking about? Nothing bad I hope... Not!" Said a knight with long red hair and freckles.

"Wendy!" Dipper and Mabel said in unison.

"Yep. You brave and favourite knight's back from her dangerous quest. Though looking at the ball tonight, I'd honestly rather be back there" said the female knight who was only 21, a few years older than Dipper and Mabel.

Wendy had recently been sent on her first quest and had apparently arrived back today to guard the ball she told the twins.

"You took so long we thought you had died" Mabel told her while giving her a hug.

"I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me" Wendy bragged.

"Well we're glad your back Wendy. Say you never did say where you were going to go before you left?" Dipper asked.

"Sorry your highness, can't tell. Top secret orders by the King himself" The red head told him.

"Awwwww but that's no fun" Mabel whined hoping the Wendy would tell her more about her adventure.

"Welp too bad" Wendy said smiling. "Anyway you two haven't told me what you've been doing before I came over"

"Well we've commenting about the people's here terrible fashion choices. Seeing who probably didn't even look in a mirror before coming here" Mabel said pointing to the people on the dance floor.

"Sounds fun! Let's see... How about that women in that lime green dress over there" Wendy said pointing, joining in the game.

"Oh yeah, that dress doesn't go well with her" Dipper's eyes scoped the ballroom looking for more people to joke about, but then his gaze stopped on a blond in a lake foam green dress on the opposite side of the ballroom "Hey at least that girl knows how to dress" Dipper said pointing.

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