Chapter 3: Flashbacks

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(Dipper's POV)

Mabel and I ran down the hall as though we still raced like we did as kids. Ok we still do. This brings back so many memories the games we played years ago.

Mabel and I always played together by ourselves after our parents died, though our old maid Alice would sometimes play with us. Especially during summertime, but I remember one specific summer where that changed.

We were around 6 or 7 years old when one day Alice told us to stop playing and to take off the dresses, we were playing dress up again, and to go to the front entrance. We changed and ran downstairs and up to the open front entrance of the castle to see a purple carriage.

"Who's that?" I asked

"Maybe its a princess" My sister squealed.

"Mabel you're already a princess, why are you so excited about another one?"

"It might be a FAIRY PRINCESS!!!"

Three people then exited the carriage. A tall man with a moustache and a women by his side I assumed it was his wife because of that big wedding ring she was wearing, also she was holding his arm. And then behind them came a little girl our age with long blond hair wearing a purple dress.

"Dipper and Mabel this is the Northwest's from the Northwest Kingdom" Our Grunkle Ford told us.

I could see it now. They're clothes were very rich and wore too much jewelery.

"They will be staying with us for the whole summer. Hopefully it will become a tradition" Our Grunkle Ford continued.

"Hopefully not" Our other Grunkle muttered.

"Well what are you waiting for introduce yourselves" said Grunkle Ford.

I was going to back away because I was too shy... But unfortunately Mabel grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the blond girl while our Grunkles talked to the adults.

"Hi, his name's Dipper and my name's Mabel" my sister said energetically.

"That sounds like an fat old lady's name" she said rudely to my sister

How would I describe her? A snoopy rich brat.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself" Mabel asked.

"Why would I since I want to leave and never come bac-"

The blond stopped when her father coughed looking at her, signaling her to be polite.

"Fine~ I'm Pacifica"

"Nice to meet you I'm-"

"I already know, your Mabel. Do you think I'm that stupid to forget that quick-"

she stopped as her parents looked at her again, then she looked down.

"I'm sorry... It's been a long day and I liked the idea of spending my summer at home" Pacifica said

"It's ok. Do you want to come upstairs and play a game?" Mabel asked

"Ok I guess" Pacifica said as she followed Mabel and I.

We made it to Mabel's room when Pacifica asked me "why are you coming too"

"Because Mabel and I always play together" I answered.

"Ok, I guess. What game will we play?"

Mabel answered immediately with the obvious answer (to me at least): "DRESS UP"

"Ok, but what about your brother?" Pacifica asked.

"He'll play too. He looks cute in dresses"

"Boys dressing up as girls? But that sounds like what my father says is gay" Pacifica told her

"Why can't boys dress as girls? And what's bad about gay?" Mabel innocently asked.

All this talking was making me feel bad. So I lowered my head, my cheeks turned pink as I was embarrassed.

Pacifica must have noticed her mistake and said "I'm sorry, I don't mean it in a bad way. I'm really sorry. You can dress however you like"

"Thank you" I raised my head with a small smile.

"Hey look, I have some makeup we could use if we want. I also brought many many dresses" Pacifica said.

"WOAH LET'S GO! Thanks Pacifica" My sister said very happily.

"You're welcome" she smiled.

We then played the summer away together and from that day we became friends. Then she came back the next summer and the next. And then it became a tradition, unfortunately for Grunkle Stan as he didn't like the Northwest's very much.

[End of flashback]

Mabel and I were now just running down the stairs to get to the throne room. Chasing eachother.

Mabel stopped me saying: "hey Bro you be careful, don't want to do a Gideon now do you?"

(Kind of Flashback)

To explain unfortunately our fun summers with Pacifica had some bumps, in the shape of an oversized fat baby with big white hair.

Gideon Gleeful once almost spent most of the summer here. As requested by his father who was a noble.

He was very, very annoying and kept making Mabel uncomfortable. We tried to ignore his rude comments and play our own games, but we had to be nice like the good prince and princess Mable and I are according to our Grunkles who noticed. So we had to include him.

Gideon didn't like me and one time we were playing tag in the castle and he fell down the stairs chasing me. He was ok... Unfortunately.

When our maid Alice and our Grunkles came and asked what happened he lied his butt off claiming I pushed him down the stairs.

Pacifica and Mabel saw the whole thing and defended me by telling the truth.

And instead of me getting in trouble at the end of the day, we watched Gideon leave angrily with his father. He never came back again, we were finally free.


I stopped and answered Mabel "I guess you're right falling down the stairs doesn't sound appealing. I guess the only reason Gideon was ok was because he had such big hair to break his fall"

"Yeah your hair's not close to as big as his" She giggled "it's just extra curly"

We then finally made it to the throne room and knocked in the doors.

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