Chapter 7: The Events Before the Feast

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(Third POV)

The maid Alice was fetching more towels for the Queen Northwest. Because of course she had used them all up already.

Alice was already behind in her chores and this errand only made it worse.

While Alice was looking in a cupboard a servent, Timothy, sneaked up behind her to talk to her.

Tim tapped her shoulder.

"BLOODY HELL! YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" Screamed the maid as she turned around to see who had the audacity to sneak on a poor old lady.

"Oh... It's just you Tim" she said in a monotone voice.

"I take it, that you're not happy to see me" said the butler also monotone.

"Well I'm really busy. These Northwest's are pains in the... Neck. Why do they keep having to come over?" complained the maid.

"That makes two of us. Anyway I had something important to discuss with you"

"Well someone better be dying. Or you could be polite and let me get back to work" the maid said sarcastically.

"Unfortunately no, Alice" said the Butler. "I wanted to inform you something about a particular servant. Namely Borris"

"What about that trash smelling man?!" The maid clearly said annoyed as they were well behind work now.

"Well for your information Alice. Remember that time you were called into the throne room a bit ago?" The maid nodded. "Well dear Alice, I just so happened to walk by in the hallways that day and I caught a certain trash smelling man listening to a conversation, between someone and the King, behind a slightly cracked open throne room door. I thought it a tad strange that Borris was eavesdropping, BUT~ before I could question him, he saw me and ran. Should I be concerned in any way?"

"Who was talking? There seemed to be several conversations taking place in there that day. The King was just discussing with others the plans to marry off the Prince and Princess" the maid said suddenly interested by Tim's news.

"I didn't hear who was talking because I just kept walking after Borris ran away. So there's to be a wedding for the two Royals you say? Well I have no idea about how Borris would be interested in that. Though I do suppose we don't know him well. He hasn't been here that long. What could be so special to him about a wedding?" Said Tim curiously.

"Well one weddings between the Prince and that blondie Princess I heard. Maybe that's what Borris was listening to. Maybe Borris is just interested about the uniting of our kingdoms. Which means those Northwests will be more apart of our lives... Great. Hey! Should we tell someone about Borris eavesdropping?"

"I wouldn't worry about it. Probably not important. Well I'll leave you back to your work. Thank you for your time Alice" the Butler said turning and walking away.

"Ok dear" the maid went back to looking for towels and eventually forgot about Tim's story.

Time Skip

Mabel was getting dressed for the feast they were hosting tonight.

Dipper had told her of Ford's plan to break to news to the kingdom of the wedding at the feast. If they wanted to cancel the wedding they figured it would be less awkward and embarrassing to do it before everyone found out and got excited about the wedding. Besides they feared if it was announced then it was automatically set in stone as Ford keeps his promises.

The twins planned to talk to Pacifica to get her on their side at the feast so then she could hopefully convince her parents.

They had tried to talk to Pacifica earlier but she kept avoiding them all day. Pacifica made an excuse that she wasn't feeling well, probably so she wouldn't have to leave her room.

Why was Pacifica avoiding Dipper and Mabel?

Well either way Pacifica couldn't avoid them at the feast which she had to attend. Her parents would allow no other option.

"Sweetie, you look fine. It's only one night. It would be rude if you skipped out" Pacifica's mother told her daughter earlier.

Dipper and Mabel planned to talk to the blond at the feast since they were all sitting next to eachother at the end of the head table.

Hopefully everything would be alright.

Alice had already finished doing Mabel's hair and makeup earlier. Alice also helped Mabel put on a large pink ball gown with a poofy skirt before leaving. (See end of AN)

Dipper walked in seeing Mabel putting some jewelery on especially the necklace Pacifica had given Mabel the day before.

"Wow, what a beautiful necklace. Where did you get it?" Dipper asked admiring it.

"Paz gave it to me. I wish I could talk to her" Mabel said looking to the floor.

"Hey, well you'll see her tonight. And she'll love that amazing dress. Maybe she'll see you in it and instantly fall in love" Dipper said trying to cheer his sister up.

"You'd like that wouldn't you? For Paz to fall in love with me? Besides what are the chances? Very very low"

"There's still a chance. And I know how it will mean the world to you. I'm not thinking about just getting out of marriage with her you know? I want you to be happy as well"

"Thanks Dip"

"No problem Mab"

"Sooooo... I see you aren't complaining about how you don't get to wear this fabulous dress tonight"

"Ehhh, I don't think it would look good on me, not really in my taste, a different colour would look better on me. Not to mention Ford would lose his crap" Dipper joked.

"But it would be an easy way to say 'hey, I'm gay (so don't marry me off to this blond girl please)' Bro" Mabel teased.

"Hey! Dresses are not gay: they are a type of clothing. Who declared that any man who wears a dress is gay and only women can wear dresses? Dresses shouldn't be gender specific anyway"

"I just saying you are gay"

"I know that! But wearing a dress doesn't make me gay: my lack of attraction to women and my attraction to only men defines me as gay. Duh"

"It's no use trying to argue with you is it?" Mabel questioned.

"Nope. Now let's finish getting you ready" Dipper helped Mabel put on the rest of her accessories to be ready for the party.

When Mabel was ready Dipper held his arm out laughing a little to escort her to the party.

Mabel took his arm in her's giggling. Both siblings then went together downstairs to the feast.

AN: This chapter was going to be longer, but I decided to put the feast in the next chapter.

Bill will probably be in the next chapter, I had no idea it would take so long to finally introduce him.

The plot will really begin at the feast.

I guess this book is probably going to be longer than I thought.

Also Mabel's ball gown looks like:

I didn't know what Dipper would wear, probably some kind of suit

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I didn't know what Dipper would wear, probably some kind of suit.

See you next chapter.

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