Chapter 28

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Only a minute to go.

My leg bounced in anticipation as I tried but failed to strategize.

A weak area I took note of in order to rectify later. Stressful events should not cause a lack of strategy.

With 30 seconds remaining, I rose to my feet and made my way to the center of the room. There were 2 doors towards the back of the room that I suspected lead towards the kitchen area.

I took note as each individual also rose from their table, all females.

The room was dead quiet yet there was an evident buzz of anticipation.

10 seconds

"You got this G" Armani encouraged, cutting through the heavy silence. Followed by hoots from the men at my table.

It is my responsibility to feed them tonight.

5 seconds

I focused on the sound of wheels hitting the marbled floor, and I could already tell which door they were coming from.

I didn't inch closer, figuring I'd allow the competition to tear through each other a bit before I made a go for it.

The door bursted open, and the smell of food blanketed the air causing me to salivate just a tad bit.

No one moved, as the servers positioned the trays of food at a more secluded area of the hall with enough room for the brawl that was about to commence.

Assortments of vegetables, breads, cheeses and sauces were placed on a long table, and in the center, elevated above all, a gigantic roasted pig.

Was this all the food that they had to feed this many wolves with big appetites? Were meals being rationed here?

A battle cry dragged me back to reality as I watched dozens of females charge towards each other in the clash of skin.

Without much thought, my nails extended into talons ready to be used as weaponry when the need arises.

At the moment it seemed that no one was paying much attention to the pig but instead on rendering the competition defenseless.

I could grab the pig now, but getting it back to my table would be challenging.

I bounced from one foot to the other as the rush of adrenaline coursed through my veins and I made the first step towards the inevitable.

"Going somewhere?" a clawed hand swiped out with the target being my face but I spun a way just in time.

"Actually, I was waiting for you" I smirked in return.

Her onslaughts were quick, and she swiped her hands with precision. Her techniques weren't sloppy and it was clear to me that she was a warrior.

Finally her hands made contact with my chest, ripping into my top and into the flesh of my chest.

"I loved this top" I growled, striking her back with equal ferocity.

The clash of flesh and laboured breaths were the only thing heard in the room.

I wasn't sure how long my opponent and I danced around each other, covered in sweat and blood and if I were to be honest I've never felt further from that hog.

In the midst of the battle I has decided that I would tire her out before going in with my final blow but her stamina was impressive.

Just as she was about to throw another powerful fist my way, I caught it, twisting her hand and bringing her to the floor.

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