Chapter 9

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The Pole. The fucking pole.

Turns out, Zekiel thought an appropriate punishment for my behaviour was to sentence me to 3 days on the pole.

I have been here for 5 hours and I've never felt more like a mongrel.

To say I was embarrassed would be the understatement of the century as I was placed on full display for all the pack members to stare at as if I'm some monument.

My hands were shackled above my head with silver restraints to the pole with a collar also attached to the pole limiting my movements.

Some persons looked on in pity, while other reveled in my humiliation.

What exactly was I being punished for? And for three whole days at that?

Despite it all, i kept my head high staring straight ahead with pride in my eyes.

This man was trying to break me. And he wont.


I had yet to fall asleep, the silver burning the already raw skin of my neck making it unbearable to move my head an inch.

My hands ached from the hours of being in this torturous position and the urge to pee had become impossibly stronger.

If I did release onto myself, the pungent smell wouldn't leave by the morning when the first wolf would pass by.

The absurdity of my situation began to weigh heavily on me and I sighed.

This wasn't the first time I had been tortured, but public embarrassment was a whole new level.

"Love" a hushed whisper came from behind.

But I couldn't turn my head to see the face of Michael. He finally came into view, frantically looking around to see if anyone was watching.

Strict orders had been given that no one, under any circumstances should assist me until I have paid the consequences.

Consequence of what?

"My Love. I'm so so sorry"

I gave him a smile that I'm sure looked more like a grimace.

"I'm a big girl Michael, it's nothing I can't handle"

He looked me up and down shaking his head, I knew it pained him to see me this way.

"They were all taunting you, as if this is normal? As if you're a criminal? We can get out of here, go back to the way we use to be" his voice came out in a sharp whisper.

"This isn't right. Seraphina wouldn't even come see you. What the actual Fuck Love?"

He was fuming at this point, and I hated it.

"Stop whining Michael, and help me pee" I chuckled.

I wouldn't allow him to see me in pain, that would only anger him further.

"I knew your pride wouldn't allow you to wet your self" he smiled sadly.

"I might be chained like a pedigree less mongrel, but I am not"

He quickly got a bucket and helped me to do my business, then stood up.

"You should go. You know their rules"

He smiled at me sadly, then he was gone.


Somehow I had managed to doze off but the sound of someone approaching made my eyes open quickly.

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