Chapter 25

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"Not tell the king what exactly, Genesis?" I mused approaching her from behind.

I stopped in step with my brother, and his fright of being caught was desperately trying to stay hidden under the cloak of mischief that he wore.

"King Amir, hello. It's been a few days since I've seen you" she breathed.

Was she insinuating that she missed my presence? Because I surely have missed her. Addressing the matter concerning my first Beta has been taking up much of my time.

"Are you aware that it is bad manners to not look at the person who you're conversing with?" I responded choosing not to respond to the latter part of her statement.

I watched as her frame tensed a bit before she relaxed. Her demeanor when in my presence is so fascinating to watch and differs greatly from the way I am usually regarded.

She didn't protest at my words instead she spun on her heels, shoulders rolled back and head held high.

"I understand my King, however I'd have preferred not to taint the physical image that you already have of me with the now disastrous look of my face" she attempted a half smile but winced instead.

Undoubtedly I was taken aback, and quite furious at the state of her face but the the pride that emanates from her frame makes it known that she isn't ashamed of her battle wounds.

In two quick strides I was directly in front of her inspecting the bruise that was only a slight shade of purple.

My wolf's ego inflated at the realization that the person that had done a number on her wasn't far dominant that she was. The bruise would remain for a maximum of two days of my assessments are correct.

"You've painted yourself as quite the brawler" my voice was more gruff than I had intended as a result of fighting the urge to tear apart who dared to lay a finger on my Queen.

"This is what? Your third altercation since being her?" My voice had meant to be teasing, however it did not translate as such.

"Oh please your highness" she rolled her eyes as best as she could.  "Don't try to play me as if I'm an instigator here"

I hummed I'm response assessing her body for any more bruises that needs accounting for.

"The first fight was as a result of your First Beta thrusting that she wolf on to me. Then that same first Beta completely humiliating and punishing me refusing his touch? Address that before you address me"

Her sassiness was indeed a turn on, that  much I couldn't deny. My animal instincts however, bristled at her tone, no one has ever spoken to me in that way, it begged for her submission.

However, the more human side of my nature understood her hurt.

"Do not speak of what you do not know Genesis. When I am addressing you, that is my focus." I looked at the almost healed scars on her neck and wrists.

"Whatever else you think needs to be addressed, has been or is being. Do not try underplay my effectiveness as King" my tone was deadly serious, she needs to know how seriously I regard every issue of assault.

She nodded.

"This" she pointed at her face. "Was done by your Master or Arms"


By the looks of it he by no means went easy on her, he and I will have to settle that. No one lays hand on my female.

"Congratulations, you riled him up" Armani piqued, moving to stand beside her.

"Is the lovers quarrel over? I'd like to leave" he directed the question to me.

I raised an eyebrow in his direction, and double checked my hands.

"I don't have your legs on me. Why the fuck are you telling me that?"

Genesis made a sound of disapproval in the back of her throat and shot me a a look.

"This is why he speaks the way he does. Why on earth are you cursing at him?" She rolled her eyes.

Unknowingly to her, she has involuntarily caused me to imagine her with our pups, scolding me when I would do something that wasn't up to her standards or what she deemed in appropriate. I smiled at the thought.

"Can we go now?" Armani whined, interrupting the moment.

"Yes. Let's go. I'll drive" I announced making my way to the garage as they reluctantly follow.

"You didn't even ask where we were heading" Genesis spoke from the passenger side of the vehicle as we pulled on to the towns main road.

"Well I was hoping someone would have enlightened me by now but since no one volunteered, lunch first"

"Wait, is this your slick way of getting G on a date?"

"I have more game than that" I smirked in response.

Pulling up to the cafe, I hurriedly got out and rounded the car so as to open the door before she unbuckled her belt.

"Chivalry isn't dead after all" she smiled.

A smile that I wouldn't mind waking up to every single day.


Something light from Amir's perspective, I hope you all enjoyed it.

Two updates back to back? Wow.

Can you all tell that I've finished my final exams for the semester? Lol.

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