Chapter 5

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Contrary to popular believe, a woman can think of a man in more ways than one. And seemingly telling my friends I think of the Alpha King only meant taking him to bed.

"Someone's having wet dreams about the Alpha already, you haven't even met him yet."

The look on my face did nothing to stop his teasing, as we busied ourselves in filling the shelves of my shop.

We had to be at the Delta's office at 11am sharp to finalize our transfer into the pack as well as receiving an official tour and to sort out induction days and all that.

"I'm not about to sit up here and behave as if an Alpha Male doesn't get my panties wet like every other she wolf"

Just as I expected, the statement drove him over the edge causing him to jump and squeal like a schoolgirl who just found out her crush liked her back.

"Oh. My. Goddess. I've waiting for something remotely close to that to leave your mouth. Bitch. Ahhhh, who would've thought the Alpha King would be the one to bring out your wild side."

I laughed at the happiness in his voice and the twinkle in his eye.

Shaking my head I replied, "You're something else Michael, but you know I'm not in search of a male any time soon."

For emphasis, I made a show of my hands that were clad in fashionable gloves as usual.

Rolling his eyes Michael returned to fixing a jumpsuit to one of the mannequins, "Why do you even bother, Goddess knows no one can stop Fate. If you're to meet your mate, you will. An ancient practice will not save you"

11AM came around much quicker than I had expected, but we had gotten quite a bit done before making our way to the office for our appointment.

I had already filled Michael in on the information I learnt of this morning, and he seemed a bit nervous.

"How difficult do you think this will be Love? You know I'm a lover, not a fighter"

A little bundle of nerves made it's way into my stomach but I kept up the cool and calm facade, back straight, shoulders back and an indifferent face.

"You reek of fear. You know that's my least favourite fragrance. Get it together, you'll be fine"

The dynamics of our friendship worked. Though Michael is playful and light spirited he appreciated the truth with no sugar coating, and then there is me delivering the bluntest of blows.

"You always know what to say to make me calm" he mocked but deep down I know he appreciates it.

Soon the small ball of nerves that threatened my will dissolved into nothingness, with my mind made up I was ready to face whatever challenge they threw at me.

Soon enough, we were approached by a young girl no older than seventeen. The first thing I noted was the fact that she sported a bronze tattoo, nice.

"Welcome to the Aimilios Pack, where the strength of all depends on the strength of each. I'll show you around the main property, the town you'll explore on your own."

We signed our official transfers and received all our necessary paperwork including access cards and the imprinting of the pack's scent on to us.

That was quite weird but our guide explained to us that our personal scents wouldn't be lost, however it would now contain under notes of a scent akin to freshly cut grass.

The process was done by the packs Delta, Delta Morgan, a rather large man who also happens to be Seraphina's soulmate. Looking at him I could already see my dear friend and him being compatible, the Goddess doesn't make mistakes after all.

"Sera, speaks very highly of you" he said, "I'm sure you both will be great additions to our pack."

A golf cart was waiting for us as soon as we exited the building, "YES! I've been waiting to ride in one of these bad boys for a while now."

Michael's enthusiasm in even the smallest of things, has always brought me great joy. Sometimes I wish I was half as expressive as he was, the way he allows himself to feel every emotion without restraint is truly admirable.

"Well you get to scratch that one off your bucket list.....Mike"

Leaving him speechless, I walked to the the gulf cart and hopped in.

"Oh. My. Moon. Did anyone else hear that?" He looked around frantically with a wide smile on his face, "Did anyone else hear Genesis Love call me Mike? I can literally die a happy man"

With those last words he entered the vehicle.

The property was magnificent to say the least, surrounded by lush forestry the estate houses five training grounds, an activity centre, a pool, three gyms, a punishment ring and the main arena.

"Holy Shit"

Though magnificent, the grounds of the estate didn't stand a chance against the towering mansion. The elegant Mediterranean styled home screamed power and luxury as it stood tall supported by columns that rise to the cornices creating an entrance flanked by coach lights.

Words wouldn't be enough to describe the beauty that stood before me. Inside we were greeted with spotless marble floors and high ceilings with hanging chandeliers.

"The mansion consists of 214 rooms, housing newly shifted wolves and single wolves up to age 40. Mated wolves and those who have completed their training can opt to live else where within the territory."

Seems fair.

"Each room has their own powder room, and there is one central shower area per wing. The main dining room is only used on the first Sunday of every month and special occasions where everyone is expected to attend. No excuses"

I followed as she gave us a basic tour of the house and I made mental jottings of all that she has said.

"As with every untrained wolf, you both will have to stay in the mansion until fully inducted and the necessary training takes place. Seeing as you were already situated you may leave to go home on weekends."

Did I hear this correctly? Seraphina made no mention of this. I looked over at Michael and he didn't seem to mind, he seemed excited even. But I was a bit wary  and nervous if I'm being honest.

"Any questions" just as I was about to ask about the length of the induction, Michael opened his big mouth.

"Yes. In which wing of this fabulous mansion does his Royal Highness Alpha King Amir reside? And does he bat for my team?"


I took a bit longer to update, my apologies.
What time are you reading this? It's 12:05AM here.




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